Won't get burnered again

DM me and I’ll let you know where to mail a check

Don’t worry. Bill will just pick some rando jr. college guy off the street, who will turn out to be the next Jerry Rice or some shit.

This play was surprising to me, I always thought Hogan’s favorite route was litigation

No wonder Hogan ran free, what with CB Schultz and SS Klink on the right side of secondary.

And this is the team LA wanted! Picture 30,000 fans crammed into the Coliseum to watch the Chargers! At least 25k will be supporting the other team, and the rest will just be looking for a quiet sunday afternoon in the sun.

Today is the first step to bringing us closer to that goal.

The Rams haven’t named an interim coach yet.

I can’t believe you just said “It’s not about to get easier” and then mentioned the Lions as one of the reasons.

While I agree with you, I do find the notion of the Broncos of all teams getting pissy about dirty, knee-threatening blocks to be pretty rich.

My stepdad is a minor author, and he goes to bookstores to sign shit all the time. It’s not because he wants the copies autographed, it’s because once they’re signed they can’t be returned to the publisher as unsold.

It makes it that much easier for him to switch out with Donald Sutherland and get some rest every now and then.

God, that sucks. That’s like the reverse image story my husband tells of going to see The Rolling Stones play (many years back). He said they started playing and were so clearly just going through the motions, and then the skies opened up and just poured on them. He said it was like the rain woke them out of their

Nepotism is definitely racial in that white people have so many more people at the top and a larger network period. But it’s funny for blackish to address this. The lead on Blackish (who I happen to love) is Diana Ross’s daughter. She’s insanely talented, but has benefited from nepotism.

I’m old. What makes this a “meme” and not an “ad”?

It’s one of those closely guarded secrets of the league, like how Antonio Gates used to play basketball.

Maybe Pettty will be good. After all, even the losers get lucky sometimes.

Goddamn wussies.

Well, everyone but hardcore Clintonian Democrats, anyways. They think it’s because the people who had those jobs were all white racists who are demographically destined to die off and are taking those jobs with them and will all be replaced in the electorate by graduates of Black Girls Code programs who come up with

if you can dream up a plan to sell people something that they already have, then you’ve achieved the new american dream.

I’ll take that over Ms. Super Special Awesome Snowflake and her fucking Toyota. No, no one owns you. But maybe your food is just shit. But nope, you’re a special snowflake and it’s the big bad restaurant manager whose wrong.