Won't get burnered again

pUghSA! pUghSA! :) Love to watch her on the USWNT ... she is SO FAST. Selfishly hoping she’ll get to Portland, my fave NWSL team ...

Yep, I’ll type it. Wish it woulda been Dean Spanos.

Married guy here. Me having lunch with a female friend/colleague is no problem-o for Wifey. Breakfast or dinner might cause Wifey to give me a bit of a stink-eye. (Brunch isn’t a problem because I loathe brunch.)


I remember them doing that, too, but can’t remember if I _liked_ it or not ... immaterial in that they never did it again :) Another one-and-done NFL idea: showing CFL games during the NFL strike ... lasted one weekend IIRC.

Of course you know that 40 year olds are not baby boomers, and that’s why that last line is extra amusing :)

I need to read more closely but my MSU pal says he wasn’t a coach, as stated in the lede ... just not a coach for MSU?

Hahaha so true! I went in 2013, so probably after it started to be the cool new thing to do. Loved it. Enjoyed walking through otherworldly landscapes, pretending to be a hipster in the coffeeshops and bookstores of Reykjavik, going to the “Blue Lagoon” knowing it was a tourist trap and digging it anyway.

Kimmel > Fallon

I would hate to ever have to be around anyone who doesn’t share my exact political views, religious beliefs, sports heroes, etc. Thank goodness I work from home.

Nope, nope, nope, and only my wife :)

“John McCain just systematically dismantled Donald Trump’s entire worldview,”

This Californicator would love to move to Portland, but has been outvoted by his family :) In any case, we fly to PDX twice a year for Portland Thorns FC games, and change planes there occasionally. It’s our favorite airport, if one can have such a thing :)

Busy signals (!) at my congressman’s and both senators’ DC offices. Got through to my congressman’s local office, and spoke to a nice, polite person. Emailed the senators. Governor next.

Reminds me of the good ol’ days of alt.tasteless. Google “Usenet,” kiddies. :)

Well, shit. I hope she’s OK now. I like her.

It’s hard to say. I was rooting for it as a f**k-you to the Spanos family; any loyalty I had to the powder blues went out the window when they first were flirting with the Raiders about going to Carson.

Thanks to a recent reminder from my 13-year-old’s social studies class, I see what you did there ;)

So I guess we jilted Chargers fans who were hoping for the “San Diego Raiders” can let that little fantasy go ...