Bandit King Z

It’s always frustrating to be on your fourth or fifth character, trying to figure out what can turn the tide, and one or two shmucks won’t get off Hanzo or Widowmaker or Bastion or whatever. Like, we’re on attack, assholes. And losing horribly. Cut the shit.


You just described Urien. He's coming in a few months.

I doubt it’s even child-sized. It’ll probably be a total ripoff like the damn mini football helmets that won’t even fit on my small cat.

Nice my favorite pattern.

No its a fucking stand alone game that was about 6-8hrs long and it was NEVER free nor does it require owning Saints Row IV

You're an idiot


That’s not the point here. The problem is that yes there are counters but depending on the map and said stacked character those counters may not work. So what are you suppose to do then? Also no not everyone plays in a group 24/7 so group coordination gets thrown out to. You can’t just say “use the counter” and expect

You say that it is fun but for the opposing team it is bullshit. Hero stacking is not fun for the opposing team period. Its also not funny or original at all anymore. This was the dumbest feature Blizzard put in and their reasoning behind it is bullshit as well. Everyone has done or experienced it by now. Its frankly

But unlike hero stacking, ultimates are a core feature of the game.

Or you know they could actually fix the issue and write actual targeting AI rather than an aimbot.. Seriously the turret has 360 degree fov, no turn delay, perfect acuracy, and instant target acquisition.

Honestly, I do think this nerf is too much, even for consoles.


I honestly don't think one Torb is the problem. It's the 3+ Torb teams that are really problematic on console. We kind of lack the sniper hard counter on turrets (or at least it's weaker).

All I want out of this game is a permanent mode where you cannot stack multiple of the same hero on one team.

Haha, my wife actually has a fairly intimidating lower voice for a woman so i’m not sure she could keep a straight face, but it's a good idea! She actually has no problem telling people off online, she just knows it’s a useless fight. Though in some cases when we had a couple women from our friends group playing in

Pretty much, and pretty common.

I’m glad that the two professional players owned up to their words and actually quit. I have a feeling that were these players in the US, it would’ve had a different outcome.