Bandit King Z

“My deliberate attempt to irritate you didn’t work so I’ll save face by congratulating you. I’m not mad, I’m actually laughing.”

Were you hoping to get yelled at?

As long as she’s not actually performing any sexual acts on camera, it shouldn’t really matter. The type of vernacular / vocabulary I often hear from Twitch streamers is more risqué than a woman in a bikini.

I personally don’t care if she games provocatively or not. She isn’t hurting anyone. She has the right to do what she wants, just as much of a right as you have to ignore it. People shaming or calling her names are either taking this way too seriously, or need find a new hobby (or profession).

You forget that TF2 has plennnnnty of cheesy bullshit as well. The only difference is that Overwatch has more variety in their flavours of bullshit.

Am I the only one who thinks that virulent shit talking should be relegated to exclusively amongst friends and not in the public eye?

I don’t mind that someone thinks there are flaws, really. The thing that annoys me about this article is that it’s titled “Okami Is Still Great,” and then it’s a rant about how it’s deeply, fatally flawed. There’s more about how bad it is than about its good aspects or its lasting impact. This article is an elaborate

Okami is in my eyes a perfect game in every category.
It has an incredible amount of content, a truly amazing story with a wonderful plot twist for those that don’t know the mythology, and personally, if you actually really got into the combat along with Demon Fang farming and using the right Celestial Brush strokes

You would have been overwhelmed if all the content was there from the beginning. I know you’ve got an “opinion” but think about it. Would you have really bothered with single player if you could buy a yacht and start a criminal enterprise from day one? Be happy that the stuff is there now, and nobody can stop you from

Maybe you should consider writing 10-year retrospectives on games that you don’t totally abhor?

About the same amount of the article I’d cut off. Superfluous and self-indulgent, it is a victim of its time, where everyone seems to think that their shared anecdote is deep, insightful, and wholly unique. In reality, it is lucky to be one of the three; this one falls short in all three criteria.

If you want to cut 90% I can only assume that you want to be left with a scenic walking simulator. Is that about right or how would the game you envision be like?

It was a Shinto Epic... and I loved it.

lol doubling down huh? ohboy

I agree there’s some gristle, but 90%? C’mon.

It’s absolutely in the style of epic folklore. I remember getting to the finale of the first chapter and assuming I got to the end, because I had already spent about 12 hours in the game.

While I do feel last act felt a little long-winded, I also feel we should all be so lucky to have a game this deep and meaty without having to skimp on content. How many great games do we have now that are simply over too soon?

Well i’d say you’re wrong, don’t know why you’d cut out 90% of the game. I was in college when it came out and beat it one weekend, it was great and I don’t think I’d change much about it.

This is one game I wish Sony would re-release for PS4, since I’ve never got the chance to completely finish this game.

C’mon Sony, be a pal.