Evidently not as there are literally tons.
Evidently not as there are literally tons.
you.... have you watched porn before?
I dunno, I’m pretty open with everyone I know as friends and/or live with about any pervy games I play/own.
“Yeah so basically you play a busty ninja girl and you fight other busty ninja girls til their clothes tear off... It’s.... that’s pretty much it.”
I actually find it hilarious that you can’t just switch games via an easy home interface and the controllers are wired and short. Everyone rages about nostalgia. Welp, you got it folks. Enjoy. I miss cassettes but I also remember the countless times I had to wind the tape back in cuz it got caught.
Nope, not getting into this fandom, as I can ALREADY see it turning toxic like every other fandom out there. The whole “Fixed” Mei’s body fanart says it all. Mind you, I’m not criticizing the fanart but the mentality that art in certain forms is “incorrect”
I’ll be the first to call out racism/bigotry/sexism/whatever…
to counter that; making her straight is also a big fuck you to a homophobic russian demographic that HAVE criticized her for “looking like a lesbian”. Not all, but the vocal minority. I think Kotaku even put an article out on it.
Is it really cosplay if that’s your alt’s default look?
Mirroring pretty much what most people are saying here; I’m not into the whole sex appeal gamer thing, but I don’t hate the “player” either. At the end of the day, she’s getting a LOT of attention which is getting her, I’m sure a nominal sum of money, and for what? Being hot and in a bikini while gaming? Shit man, if…
So you wrote all this fluff forrrrrrrr.......?
I paid for it on Wii, I paid for it on PS2, I paid for it again on PS3. I would GLADLY pay for it a fourth time on PS4.
100% Agree with you. Okami is EASILY in my top 3 games of all time next to Earthbound (which I’m just now realizing the end of both made me cry because of the “Call upon the power of the friendships you’ve made on your journey” thing.
My core gaming crew and I swore we’d never touch destiny again after the first two expensive underwhelming DLC..... And we hate ourselves that Rise of Iron suckered us back in (Which we also need Taken King to even access it)
I’ve always hated ash and I’m glad he finally looks like the derpy asshole that he is.
I was actually just discussing with my core gaming crew about getting back into Destiny (An act that we swore we would never do since the rip-off/disappointment of the season pass and what it did and MOSTLY didn’t bring). Unless things have changed (we left after HoW because we felt it was BS to pay for the season…
I second this. They don’t give a shit about the console version and would rather dumb the whole game down because in so many words “Console players and console playability isn’t nearly as good as PC”
It’s a shame because I LOVE the lore and everything surrounding it in OW but I’ve grown to hate the actual game itself…
Sega does what Nintendon’t.
Like holy shit for someone who makes fun of Anita Sar, you are HELLA triggered right now.
Oh boy here we go, it’s all about you isn’t it? You’re not the only one who plays. The world doesn’t revolve around you. And again, it’s a FACT that this crossover event really isn’t immersion breaking at all. You sound like you’re actively seeking out yokai stuff to assault your sensitive little eyeballs. There’s an…
Then maybe you should take some time off and reconsider playing again because it’s REALLY not that immersion breaking.