Wolfgang von Schrei

It’s weird because it would have been the easiest thing in the world to not say anything in support of your “accused by sixteen men of sexual impropriety” friend

This is why “I’m hella loyal to my friends and family!” always scans as “I’m not very principled” to me. In real world practice, it’s quite difficult to be both.

Well if the man who announced that he at one point went out of his way to try to hunt down and murder any black man he could find thinks Kevin is a good man it must be true.

I'm stunned by how I think she'd be acting different if the victims were woman not gay men. Which is wild but that's what this seems like.. 

Yah it reads like she's calling the victims liars. Imagine if they were women instead of gay men she would not be publicly calling them liars. That is so.... dumb of her? I don't know. 

I think that’s arguably the core issue of the whole MeToo movement. Everyone is against the people who victimized them or their friends and sexual abuse in the abstract, but systemic change also requires people to stop trying to accuse the victimizers that they’re friends with, and that’s just a bridge too far for a

Given the amount of gross behavior that Stone has definitely been the target of by powerful Hollywood figures, especially early in her career, it’s disappointing to see her on this list, especially with what appears to be a victim-blaming take.

As seems to be the case with this article, he was at least slightly measured in his response re: Rowling. But he falls prey to the bad faith both-sidesism that allowing trans folks to “live full, accepted lives, according to their terms, in society” is somehow at odds with women having “all the rights and dignities

It's crazy considering how recently Stone's been talking about abuse and coercion early in her career. It's like Mia Farrow defending Polanski. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.

Liam Neeson had almost managed to get people to forget about that time he talked about walking down the street trying to beat up black guys with a baseball bat. Don’t drag yourself into the negative spotlight for Kevin Spacey of all people, my dude!

“ generally accepted Western standard of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ however”

“Innocent until proven guilty” just means the jury should only vote guilty if they think there’s no reasonable doubt about it. Literally no one else in the world but those twelve people is under any obligation to consider it. And if anyone wants to argue this, I’ll just ask: did you wait until Harvey Weinstein was


Well, he’s been super supportive of JK Rowling this whole time. This is really just a lateral move.

His Theoden and Miranda Otto’s Eowyn propelled an otherwise Meh Two Towers (the non extended edition; the upgraded version is far superior, IMHO) into greatness and sustained that greatness for The Return of the King. Theoden’s speech and rally before the Battle of Pelinor Fields is inspired and Hill sold it lock,

Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.

The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”

Ah, Mark Wahlberg. Poster boy for our amnesiac, peri-Trump pop culture.

His nomination for Dignam was the definition of a throwaway Oscar nom. 

“Hey kids! Dinner time!”