My Spidey sense tells me this is not the last of this.
My Spidey sense tells me this is not the last of this.
A totally confidential internal review - how could anyone find fault with that? You’d think that Red Bull would want to have enough transparency to take care of the most obvious criticism.
Roblox? The Child Exploitation engine?
One of the prime candidates for “Real world orphan crushing machine analogue”?
His IMDB bio says that he “frequently collaborated with Bryan Singer an Dan Schneider.” I’m willing to wager that doesn’t just refer to film and TV projects.
Under California law, there shouldn’t have been a citizen’s arrest at all. Absent an immediate, ongoing threat, you’re just supposed to file a police report and let them perform the arrest at the appropriate time.
These two things are not the same. Delaying arrests or allowing people to surrender themselves for misdemeanors is common as hell.
What a gross world we’ve made.
Fuckin pigs. Thankfully it was a very public event, else the fuckers woulda came in shooting.
A good editor would stop that from happening. Hell, even an editor would probably do it
So pretty much just public humiliation?
Frosted blueberry. Not even close.
I have never burned my mouth on a Pop-Tart. What kind of nuclear-powered toasters are other people using to get them that hot?
That’s Colin, you buffoon
Yeah, additionally it bothers me that people act like password sharers are “getting away” with something.
It’s not completely sensible. In the past, logins were limited to the number of devices alone, which was a completely sensible way to do it. If I pay for 2 logins, it shouldn’t matter to the company where those logins are. In fact, in the early days, I contacted the providers and asked them whether location mattered…
The firefighters conducting the final rescue would rightly have dismissed any chance that what Asher or the witnesses told them about him flying upwards into the air as impossible, and would have completely ignore it as crazy talk.
Sure, but the most memorable movies I have seen over the last few years were the ones that elicited the most interesting conversations with the friends I saw them with.
The one thing I learned from The Curse is always have small bills.