Wolfgang von Schrei

Didn't we all, though?



I read that as "rabid irish setter" and now I need to make a stovepipe hat and a fake beard for the dog.

What about 19th century Prussian aristocrats?

I basically hung out with the cat, smoked weed, started a rewatch of The Wire, and ate a lot of corn. No complaints whatsoever.

But he does a great Batusi!

Led by the jihadist/inventor of the Internet Al Gorithm.

Stop making Ice Nine, dude.

Comma Red Comma Big

*sad upvote*

*finger hovers over downvote arrow*

Brent Spiner as Rosie.

A man once told me that I looked like how his dad smelled.

Crap boobs crap!

And the other ODs dies of pneumonia, with secondary factors of iron-deficiency anemia and multiple drug intoxication*.

I'll admit to being a bit turned on, actually.

I got an ad for some sort of machine that does something with "helical piles" which just sounds uncomfortable to me.

But if I block them, how will I find out how to get that sweet shill money they're talking about?

Looks like I'm saving money not buying lunch today.