That reminds me; I need to grab some grout at Home Despot while I'm next door at Pet Shart for cat litter.
That reminds me; I need to grab some grout at Home Despot while I'm next door at Pet Shart for cat litter.
We sure as hell can't rely on Putter.
That's an absolute joy to watch.
The asshole's probably going to pay it all in pennies.
Let's hope they don't buy all of Party City's tiki torches again this year.
Talking about destiny, one of "my" words is "string cheese".
I'm a year older, and I get cool stuff like "internet", "Afropop", and three different shorthair cat breeds, but then less cool stuff like "acquaintance rape", "gulag", and "disc golf".
That's probably wise.
I was going to say that was optimistic, but it's for Bravo, so who knows.
The Turks?
Everything is fucking awful. I'm afraid I can't narrow it down any further than that in 2017.
What about Tubgirl?
No medals for wookiees, though.
And the M stands for "Masshole".
I love his travel shows. Like you said, they're pretty unremarkable and Palin coasts on his charm, but they're good fun.
And here I squandered all my potential as a C student at a small liberal arts school.
Go 'way. Batin'.
I'll be in my bunk.