Wolfgang von Schrei

Do you mind logging off my alley PC before you bleed out? The raccoons are into some really questionable porn.

No, the entirety of Stompin' Tom Connors' oeuvre.

I always get my sex expressions mixed up, too. Back to practicing in front of the mirror!

*puts hand made The Good Dinosaur pornography back in its drawer*

Honestly, this news made my day (and my time in the doctor's waiting room much more pleasant than usual).

I get a four-day weekend, but I'm neither employed nor American.

That might be a good news bridge too far, I'm afraid.

I've taken down my "Time Person of the Year" shaving mirror just in case.

I was grinning like an idiot the whole hour or so I watched and rewatched the trailer, so I'm there with you.

And that's awesome.

All I can possibly add to that by way of constructive discourse is a hearty "Fuck yeah."

"Please be good please be good please be good…"


Shit, I guess that's why no one ever comes to Orgy Night anymore.

"Need to entertain your parents for a couple oh hours? Ron Howard's got the movie for you!"

I once saw Howard's directing described as "impressively workmanlike" (this was years ago; it may have been a review of Apollo 13) and I reckon it fits him pretty damned well.

Sadly, Chevy Chase killed the monkey during a PCP-fuelled knife fight in a Rabat whorehouse a couple of years ago.

There's a really easy
Trump administration joke there.

"42 is a ridiculous age to die" is what I have written on a Post-It Note on my bathroom mirror for when I feel like hanging myself!

Can we really know anymore?