
I think you may be wrong on this one, because the mid sized pickups have gotten so big, there is definitely a group out there that specifically wants smaller pickups.  Have you seen how long in the tooth the delivery fleet of most auto parts stores have gotten?

New Ranchero!!!

There was an amazing amount of reading comprehension fail in the comments on that post. Another one I agreed with you on besides this one - I let everyone and their brother touch, drive, whatever my Spitfire. It’s just a car, and while it is a pretty nice example and I am very attached to it, it’s no museum piece.

But since when do the Republicans play by the rules? I can see them glossing right over the errors and omissions, like they do on everything else.

Ech, I WISH that were true. Honda let some vaping F&F junkie covered in Axe body spray design their new Civics. Utilitarian would be a huge step up.

A key takeaway here is how long the OWNER keeps the car, not how long the CAR stays on the road. Perhaps its a cultural things...if your boring and only want to shop for a car every 20 years, then get a Toyota or Honda. If you want some actual style in your life, perhaps look at other brands. 

We’d like to promptly announce we are pulling all operations out of Washington state. - BMW.

It is a matter of China having enough sense to reign in corporate greed (one benefit of being communist-based with a socialist twist, but I digress) and force local manufacture of goods sold in China. When they can build it there, they do. When it is cheaper or easier to import (like soybeans and pork), they import.

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor blow, nor meth, nor pot, nor molly, nor pills...

Perhaps the better question: is there anyone less qualified? 

Isn’t that the real American Dream?

Have sex.

Real talk - I’m sure we’ll survive as a species.

I’m definitely not still me. Thank god, that guy was an asshole.

Even better, the story and the film are pretty different, but equally excellent.  Sort of like two different houses built by the same contractor.  You can tell they started with the same ideas, but changed to fit the space they were building for.

Just a quick primer on the Saturn series, since I’m sure it will come up:

It will never sell here unless they replace the in-dash broccoli crisper with a bacon fryer.

Perhaps not so much of late, but back in the day every car crash in movies or on TV involved an explosion. Drove off a cliff? Explosion. (Occasionally in mid-air. FTW? WTF!?!) Drove into a wall? Explosion. Drove into a tree? Explosion. Crashed into another car? Explosion. Hit by lightning? Explosion. Slammed the door