Move to Michigan. We don’t need no stinking inspections. About 25% of us apparently don’t need no stinking insurance, and by my observations we barely need an unexpired license plate tab. Fenders are also optional.
Move to Michigan. We don’t need no stinking inspections. About 25% of us apparently don’t need no stinking insurance, and by my observations we barely need an unexpired license plate tab. Fenders are also optional.
Actually, the roof on my Saturn Aura felt like just a piece of tin and they forgot to put in an cross braces at all.
Like my buddy wanting a Roadmaster or huge Olds 98 for his kid who just got his license, something built like a tank so he could run over anything and survive any crash. The other guy? Eh, who cares?
Has anybody mentioned my favorite from Ford, probably the LTD, which I remember well from magazine print ads: “More ROAD HUGGING WEIGHT than last year!”
You had me at Pinzgauer.
Somebody help me. I can’t seem to find a Fox News link to this breaking story.
Honorary Florida man.
A torque wrench. It made me feel invincible. A superhero. I could do anything. High lift camshafts, high flow intake manifolds, headers, anything. I basically destroyed two pretty good cars. Nearly half a century later I still have it, buried in the tool cabinet, a reminder, testament to and a warning of my hubris.
“warm bear-hugs"
A local wrencher had a 55 Chevy, with a mere 283, as I recall. It was fun watching him put it in low and pump the accelerator and bounce the front tires off the pavement half a dozen times. This was in the very early ‘70s.
Dead simple. Stopped for gas at a Clark station one morning. As I’m pumping I see a parade of cars just driving through, barely pausing, not stopping to fill up. I finally looked at the pump. 70 cents for a gallon of gas! Yesterday it was 29 or less. Gack.
Shoulda just slapped a "HUMMER" nameplate on them .
I had a 73 Grabber (not bragging here) with a 302 automatic but no power brakes (no room for the booster) and it took both feet to hold it at a stop light.
“At home tests." That`s funny right there.
The sled in Frozen plunging off the cliff and exploding was a hoot though.
Has no one mentioned vehicle thefts? Someone jumps in a car, yanks two wires out from under the dash, flashes together the conveniently stripped ends until the engine starts, twists them together to keep it running, then just puts it in gear and drives away? No steering wheel and shifter interlock? Has this been even …
Like John Wayne in McQ, levering himself into and out of his precious 1973 Firebird Trans Am? Not a good fit.
No, the golden parachute will just quietly go under cover. Still there.
Where's the damn EJECT button?