
I have not. I actually almost never play video games, I just decided to check out DDO because I needed an escape and it was free and I’d just spent a bunch of money on DnD books even though I have no one to play it with GOD WHAT WAS I THINKING SO STUPID

See intellectually I know that, but since my dad died at 45 my pessimistic anxiety-riddled brain has latched onto the idea that I’m probably gonna die in my 40s too so every year it’s this gong of TIME IS RUNNING OUT YOU FAILURE. It’s kinda hard to be positive when my own brain is constantly trying to sabotage me.

I’m a shitty cook, so I’m letting other family members deal with that mess.

My achilles tendons hurt just thinking about what could go wrong on a barefoot escalator ride.

Her first album’s good, I can say that much. I haven’t heard much of anything she’s done after that so I can’t say if she suddenly started to suck or something.

I wish we could retcon life.

So I should cross “Jennifer Lawrence pelting the guests with gravel” off my wedding plans?

Send him out to conquer the Kuiper Belt.

I think my brain’s treating it as a bad sequel or spinoff that I can disregard as canon as a defense mechanism.

It’s a rock with an apple inside.

I think mine was somewhere around the late ‘90s.

a virgin wearing a wizard costume.

Ehh, I see more of a cyan and kinda beigeish taupe color.

Yeah, how a person who actually believes all that shit could fuck up swastikas that badly. One is backwards, and the other is so badly mangled I’m not sure I would have even recognized as one if it wasn’t pointed out.

I apparently look anywhere from 5-10ish years younger than I am depending on how recently I’ve shaved, so until I was old enough to look like I was at least in my twenties I’d get carded all the damn time for the stupidest things. I still remember having to show my ID to buy DVDs or CDs (or a knife sharpener) and to

I’m hoping for a really awesome unexpected mid-season turnaround myself.

It definitely feels like we’re headed for the big downer season finale where everything just goes to shit.

Yeah but you see something something Boston Tea Party.