Hahahahahahahaha this country is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked hahahahahahahahaha I’m laughing because that’s the only way I can deal with this without having an anxiety attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack hahahahahahahahahahahahEVERYTHING IS BAD
I wonder what would happen if he just like...didn’t show up for the inauguration.
Ah, the ol’ “Good President/Terrifyingly Incompetent President” routine.
I kind of have a hard time believing someone means to “represent all Americans” when that claim is immediately followed by “but we have to keep the pressure on him to actually do that.”
I’m just worried about the trail of destruction he’ll leave in his wake before the time finally comes.
Until one pops.
I’m the only one of my siblings without any tattoos, I kinda feel like I need to get with the program.
To this day one of the nicest things a manager’s ever done for me was let me go home from work two hours early so I could be with our oldest cat in her final hours.
I kind of try not to interact with my mom on Facebook mainly because I just don’t have the motivation to try to explain to her why her support of Trump is so mind-bogglingly stupid. Especially considering she’s Jewish and one of her daughters is married to an immigrant trying to get his citizenship.
I work every Saturday, but tonight I was scheduled off an hour earlier than I usually am so everything feels weird.
I have been on this Earth for 33 years now and I still have no goddamn clue how to be a “responsible adult.”
I feel like everyone else in the thread has about covered it on the advice front, so I’ll just say holy shit, that is creepy as hell.
Today I read Fantasy’s Othering Fetish by Phenderson Djeli Clark. It’s basically a blog post in ebook form complete with embedded links that were useless to me as I keep my Kindle in airplane mode, but as a writer of science fiction I thought it was interesting.
I feel like Teddy Roosevelt would kick Trump’s ass.
I wonder how long it’ll be before we replace E pluribus unum with the Latin equivalent of “Fuck you, got mine” as our nation’s motto.
He looks like the ineffectual lizard antagonist of an animated children’s movie.
So is there any way to like, preemptively scrap this entire incoming administration and convince Obama to stick around for another year while we figure out where to go from here?