So I somehow managed to completely miss the “settlement on” part of that headline so I read it as “NY Judge: NYPD’s Surveillance of Muslim’s Is Not ‘Sufficient’,” and it’s kind of depressing how not surprised I was by it.
So I somehow managed to completely miss the “settlement on” part of that headline so I read it as “NY Judge: NYPD’s Surveillance of Muslim’s Is Not ‘Sufficient’,” and it’s kind of depressing how not surprised I was by it.
I just cough directly into the eyes of people I hate.
-”You don’t know what you’re talking about” when I said I’d never really been interested in going to Las Vegas.
What an absolute tool.
I sometimes feel like kind of a writing poser because I never do anything for NaNoWriMo, but I usually tell myself I “don’t need to” since I write throughout the rest of the year anyway. I love rationalizing my laziness.
My favorite vacation involved me, my friend, and his (at the time) girlfriend road-tripping all over the western US for three weeks. We hiked, went camping, met childhood heroes, took a shit-ton of pictures that I’m currently resisting the urge to link to, and ran into constant vehicle troubles until we ended up…
Every time I’ve flown it’s been a miserable goddamn experience, and yet a friend and I are (trying to) plan a trip overseas next year.
I doubt this will even blip on the radar but here’s mine:
claiming people have killed themselves in despair when he wouldn’t have sex with them. He also told journalist Andrea Kremer of HBO’s Real Sports that people want to pay $1 million for “a drop” of his semen.
I find an effective way to not be called a bigot is to not say bigoted shit.
Isn’t that book like a half a billion pages? That seems like an awful lot of effort to expect someone you only recently started seeing to go through.
I live in a giant bucket.
Well this is fucking depressing.
Wow, what a complete ass.
My older sister actually lives in the Denver area and after our trip fell apart in Utah I ended up crashing at her place for a few days while making my way back home. It was a much better experience than I had in Utah.
Shit, we felt creeped out and we’re white. I can only imagine how unwelcome anyone else would feel there.
My friends and I got stranded in a small town there a few years ago and we didn’t even get the politeness. People would glare at us and the guys at the garage we had to take our vehicle to warned us not to go out after dark.
That is on my list of places I’d like to move to if I could actually afford to move anywhere.