lorem ipsum

Found the Incel. 

Yeah b/c that’s how battles between space craft the size of 10 foot ball fields is likely to be decided. Hand to hand combat by the commanding officers.

But seriously, why is she wearing a long dress as a commander on a war ship?

Walk Hard is the best parody movie of the 00s (not that there were many.)

This poor guy gets unfairly shit on constantly just about everywhere you look on the internet. I sincerely hope everything’s okay.

P&R makes me so, so happy. For me, it’s an almost perfect show, and the way they wrapped it up was probably one of the most satisfying show endings I’ve ever seen. I’m sure a reunion would be fun, but everyone from that show is too “cool” now... they were all underdogs before it, and all became much more than they


There’s no attitude I find more repellent than aggressive hipster posturing. At some point people apparently decided that ironic detachment was the “cool” thing to do, and all it does is drag down everyone.

From $8hr to $5hr is not right and it’s below the federal minimum wage of $7.25hr. As a small businessman it sounds like a chicken shit thing to do. Sounds like they did because they thought they could and that it’s not really a financial decision. 

I don’t think hoping to make a reasonable wage is, to use your eloquent term, retarded. These employees weren’t necessarily interested in opening a brewery; they’re retail workers whose pay was cut seemingly overnight.

Hmm...it seems your racism isn’t’ based on facts, shocking

Everything you need to know about the GOP under Trump is summed up by the fact they’ve had unified control of government for two years, and rather than focus on any legislative accomplishments, they’re demonizing immigrants full-time.

Did I say that I like all of them? You were the one to lump all of them together in your original comment and pretend like it’s an automatic seal of lack of entertainment value.

Sure, buddy. If something that’s smart and thoughtful appears as boring to you but is widely recognized as classics around the world... You know it’s you, right? You know you are the one who is dumb, right?

Plus, the joke was clearly self-deprecating. I’ve been saying it from the start that they’re both unstable and immature but Pete seems like the nicer one here, Ariana gives me mean girl vibes. Pete made some tasteless jokes but I guess it’s lost on people that joking about something isn’t the same as doing something. 

Pardon me and others for being skeptical of these numbers; attitudes around drug use have changed, and now all these “Institutes” have to justify their existence somehow; maybe by inflating a general and legitimate health concern into an ‘epidemic’ which in turn leads reactionary legislators into creating a system

On the other hand serial killers and other criminals often target sex workers because they know they're not as protected by the law. And legalizing or decriminalizing sex work could involve putting in place requirements to be continuously tested for diseases in order to keep your "license".

You shut your god damn mouth.

Season 2 was poop. Horrible writing. The acting wasn’t good. People are so wrapped up in trying to figure out the mystery that they just completely gloss over the fact that it just wasn’t very good.

I checked out on Westworld once it got Lost vibes at some point in season 1 with the maze crap. Never again.