And “clicher” is a verb in French.
And “clicher” is a verb in French.
“Cliché” is a noun. “Clichéd” is an adjective.
Yes, I agree. In fact, Mr. Schue tells Sam that opening the classroom door to go into the hallway endangers everyone. And he says that minutes before he opens the classroom door to go into the hallway.
Another great Mr. Schue moment: when the glee club is huddling in a barricaded chor room after a gun went off in the building (Sue Sylvester confessed to accidentally firing off a gun she brought to school and was fired, but it was later revealed that her mentally challenged student/cheerleading coach assistant Becky f…
EXACTLY. You could replace all the Monty Python, Back to the Future, Knight Rider, and Ghostbuster references with references to more LGBTQ-related media from the 80s, like Polyester, Desert Hearts, Love Sidney, or An Early Frost, but that wouldn’t fix the problem that Cline does nothing interesting with his…
What a very privileged take. The LAPD and fascists who are blatantly undermining democracy suck, but young white famous people at a party are just as bad?
In that level, I positioned explosives and poisonous barrels at the bottom of the steps (or ramps, I think) so that after I did that treasonous thing, I could shoot the explosives and barrels which would then take out most of the soldiers waiting for me on the level below. It wasn’t foolproof, but it usually worked.
The racism episode (I’m pretty sure it’s called “Posh,” like the Spice Girl) is one of the most touching and heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen on television.
When I was young man, my parents liked spending a couple weeks in the summer driving west from Illinois to Wyoming or Montana. On a trip back, we go off Route 80 and stopped in a small town in Nebraska or Iowa so that we could use the bathroom. The town was so small, there was no McDonald’s or open gas station, so my…
Isn’t the skit mocking the “privileged perspectives and ignorance” of Cross’s character? His blackface is recognized as offensive (when Michael-Key sees it and immediately responds, “What the fuck?”) and gets him a face full of mace.
I think you mean “played the broom like a guitar,” not “played a guitar like a broom.”
He’s holding two bags in the second picture.
Cousin Oliver, or that back door pilot where the white dad ends up adopting three boys from various ethnic backgrounds. Lemme see if I can look it up. *pause* Yep, it was going to be called Kelly’s Kids and star Ken Berry from F Troop and Mayberry RFD.
[F]or [The Exorcist] to be as effective as its reputation suggests, one must at least be open to believing in the existence of demons and their capacity to infect human bodies. I do not believe in these things, so I immediately enter The Exorcist with a handicap
What is this, your farewell speech? Your farewell to the troops?
You don’t like it, leave. I can go out there tonight with the materials you’ve got and make myself $15,000. Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can YOU? Go and do likewise.
You’re such a hero, you’re so rich, how come you’re coming down here wasting your time with a bunch of bums?
I clearly spoke out against harassment, not about judging a person.
So Davidson doing shitty things justifies people harassing him? I would disagree.