
Things like alternating current, florescent lights, brush-less motors, remote control, voice over radio, and RADAR?

I love how candid she is.

LOL. I used to watch her a lot. I'd had never heard that particular line.

I'm bewitched. Elizabeth?

I had a hard time with that frankly. Here's the question though; is it a good thing or a bad thing?

No one looks like this. No five-heads exist. If they did I'd want to meet them. Find out what the human race can do to survive in peace because clearly s/he wouldn't be from around here.

Mmmmm. Blueberries.

If everyone looked the same this would be a horribly boring world. There's nothing wrong with your ankles. It makes you different than the photo-shopped, high-metabolism (or crack / meth snorting) super model who looks downright weird with no high-heels, form-fitting clothes, or makeup.

Muffin penis. Which end has the muffin top?

This is the image that graces the cover of "Bride of Science;" a very good read.

So was Tesla.

A dimple?

If I remember right, we had a case here in California where a young woman was in a tiger's cage. The cage was divided into a living area for the cat and a smaller feeding area. The tiger was in the living area, the gate between the two was closed, and the young woman was cleaning the feeding cage. The tiger figured


I remember when a friend showed me my first Thai doll. Well, not mine, but a doll from an Asian country.

I wondered what Antheil looked like.

I did not.

It sucks AND blows. And why?

Oy! Guess who I've never heard of before now.