
If you think that’s expensive, price a Sony “4K Ultra Short Throw Projector.” It’s only five times that much and is limited to 2160.

To the car itself. The interior looks like crap.

I guess the best way to see this, from a man’s perspective anyway, would be to imagine a car designed by this team, but just for men. Would it have headlights designed to look like they are scowling? Wing mirrors designed to look like sideburns? Maybe fake balls under

The patina is corrosion.

We must have slack.

I was a pretty big fan until FSM.

Well, yes they are improbable. All but the Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course. Blessings on your noodle - Ramen.

I’m reminded that the Mayan long count calendar consisted of precisely 1,872,000 solar days, approximately equal to 5,125.36 years. This required the careful observation of galactic center and it’s relationship to the sun.

Some commentators demonstrate that “common sense” isn’t that common and that they incapable of making sense.

Live ammunition and loaded guns have no place in a ‘simulated lethal force’ class. “Simulated” being the key word here.

A class designed to teach civilians how to recognize a dangerous situation from a passive one should never, NEVER result in the death of a class participant.

This is especially annoying considering the constant battle most of us have with autocorrect. Just sayin....

I would love to see that. I’m not sure how long a probe would last considering the pressures that must be deeper in the Jupiter’s atmosphere, but it might be really interesting.

I don’t know why I thought Saturn was the biggest planet, it’s Jupiter. Whatever that was created quite an explosion.

I am hoping that the incredible amount of press and support that Kesha is receiving post decision will turn the tide. A contract should not be this binding. We have lost our way somehow. Corporatism has gone from being a useful and necessary legal entity, to a cancer that must be curtailed or destroyed.

Contracts were not the same then as they are now. A corporation was a temporary and tenuous legal instrument that was expected to be dissolved once its benefit to the parties involved was met. No self respecting business person in that day and age ever expected for a corporate entity to exist beyond its usefulness to

Will the postman be helping to repopulate the planet? You know, like he did last time?

Hey! Where's the one of L.A.? Dang!!!

Yes. I agree with your top ten Charlie Jane.

It's really not a surprise that communists took exception to Eric Arthur Blair's (George Orwell) works. He was a passionate socialist who was highly critical of Stalin's "Communist" Russia. "Animal House" is perhaps his most pointed critique of that regime.

I often wonder if our children's children will seek out landfills to mine treasures (in the form of copper, gold, etc.) that we tossed away.