
I have only one request for a car “for ladies”-- a place to put my fucking purse that’s not the passengers seat! How hard is that?

The Four Rules

It’s possible that linguistic drift is slowing down, just because we have so much more recorded media.

Makes you wonder how many times scientific discoveries were made and inventions created, to be then completely forgotten before they had a chance to spread.

If not for the sheer life-threatening stupidity on display here, this is actually a pretty cool art thing, like the aftermath of a MythBusters experiment (think Bent Barrels and Bullet Fusion). Interesting how the barrel expands and contracts, and the yellow outline of the... jacket? gives it a cartoonish appearance.

I know I've been one of the Voyager haters, but what I've seen on this list makes me want to give it another go.

That is clearly a Civil War era cannonball. Further proof that John Carter was a real person, and Edgar Rice Burroughs was writing non-fiction the whole time.

Trantor actually did produce some of its own food, all based on yeast and other fungi. It's described in a fair amount of detail in one of the later books. One thing I always liked about Asimov was that he actually discussed mundane things like bathrooms and the cultural behavioral norms associated with them.

As someone who has only recently picked up the hobby of reading, i have to say that i'm quite happy with foundation being on display twice! I bought the trilogy after the first article got me interested enough to do some research into the series.

crazy to think that this type of warfare used to actually happen. plus some of those injuries would be a bitch if they didnt kill you. UHUGHUgh!!

I was introduced to the Church of the Subgenius around 1988 by a Wiccan friend. She said, "Yeah, I know you're an atheist, a skeptic and all that but, this stuff is funny as hell!"

Batman has a huge impact on me. The 60s show dominates my DVR and when there's a new movie with him I go and see it and buy the blu ray. I try to follow his principles. Is he real?

Now playing

this is MY local weather person, here in so cal .

He designed the F16..you write articles for the internet. Nuff said.

Russian experiments with foxes demonstrated that, when selectively bred only for approachability (with an eye toward eventual domestication), they developed shorter legs and floppy ears. Take a look at other domesticated animals... unless specifically bred to make those legs longer and those ears stand back up, they