Please, please, please, do not bleach anything with hair on it. Please. I'm quite happy with the way it looks; all of it.
Please, please, please, do not bleach anything with hair on it. Please. I'm quite happy with the way it looks; all of it.
I was attracted to the second one from the left. No kidding.
Oh hell yes. Tank Girl!
The very first woman I ever fell in love with (or perhaps it was limerance) had short hair. To this day I find short hair exceedingly attractive.
Probably when it's just a monkey. Not a monkey adorned with human bling like crowns, nose-rings, bar-bells, or necklaces.
I did not know this for decades. I blame an industry that grudgingly recognized the Lady of Lovelace as the first programmer. An industry that said so little about Grace Hopper that it's a sin (well I'm not religious so...).
I like the lines. Sort of a cross between a hatchback and a fastback. I think this was called (at one time) a KamBack.
Remember, climate change (formerly known as global warming) is a myth. This was just a fluke; like Katrina was.
As wildly inappropriate as his "nay-sayers" doing exactly that to him?
They don't even want to repair roads and bridges. All I can say to that is I hope they are on one when it collapses.
Yes, my sphincter got a real workout with the bikes.
What does a tonsil examining tool have to do with Gyno?
And loudly at that.
Referring to the video: The sound-track sounds very much like something from "Bladerunner," which is appropriate since the car looks like it belongs in that movie.
This is much worse, if that's at all possible, than it seems. She was shot in the BACK OF THE HEAD with a shotgun.
I had a boss that looked just like this, bald on top and pointy horns.
You could say the same thing about the resemblance between the Ford Mustang and the Ford Maverick. I would even go so far as saying the Maverick looked more like the Mustang than the Vega did the Camaro.
This sounds wonderful and all, but what if another world's civilization is like us; do we really want to meet them?
From what I understand one millionth part of the sky at any one time. Though the frequencies scanned are based on those we use on earth, they may not be in the right range for another civilization, if there even is one.
The equation has never been tested, we have no alternative life to point to as proof.