
No I wasn't. It was an honest question. Of course, since you know EXACTLY the thoughts of Jay-Z you are spot-on in your analysis.

Well Shelwood, I thought we'd have an adult conversation, but my innocent question "maybe you can understand that," evoked the child in you. Do carry on.

Hell, you have my vote. I love those Alphas.

Cute, great mileage, nice all weather handling, but you'll need ear protection on the freeway.

Shopping while black, is the new driving while black.

I can't imagine that ANYONE would go into an arrangement like this without lawyers involved. Which means he might be liable for backing out of the deal. As it stands he's not making any money on the arrangement. If he backs out he could lose big time.

The company did not respond appropriately. They made excuses AND issued an apology while swearing it wasn't their fault. That's having it three ways. And their employees are representatives of the company.

Still very attractive.

I'm easily amused.

Cadillac had ladies too.

These are a bit more problematic in that regard.

The age of the vehicle kind of matters I guess.

I have my doubts. It's not like these bail-out recipients have been lauded for honesty.

Maybe it was a convertible. That's a Ferrari California.

I visualized Reiner in the driver's seat, so that would make sense.

I wasn't thinking about bugs, but I was thinking about slippery residue.

Crash was decent, certainly not terrible.

I had visualized a hood ornament for some reason. Not a windshield. Ah well.

I read "No Country for Old Men." It was better than the movie (of course), but so much of the movie came directly out of the book that it might have well been a screen-play.

When I see these sorts of responses the first thing that comes to mine is "why are they being so defensive?"