
But for all of the claustrophobia and auquaphobia it would give a normal person like me, it gives what looks like the most serene and unbelievable view of the ocean imaginable. You'd have to be crazy to build something like this, but it might just be worth it.

This is Olivier Feuillette, and this is his carbon-fiber submarine kayak contraption. It's human powered, it's not exactly the prettiest design, and it's not what you'd call roomy. Really, it looks like M. Feuillette can hardly move at all inside.

The very first thing that came to mind when reading the headline.

Schadenfreude (for those on the wrong end of the Marines) appeals to you eh?

"All this hysteria for nothing. Fox News, this is so unlike you."

Oh. I thought it was a self lubricated "wank" mitten. Oh well.

This is NOT a useless product. Ask any near post-pubescent male looking for self-gratification inspiration.

Well, here in California, we don't lock up the loonies. We just allow them to record info-mercials, and sell useless products. It seems to keep them out of trouble.

This is the way this usually works out isn't it?

I feel vindicated in my assessment. Please forgive the "slightly."


As I remember Michael Jackson was "King of Pop." I also remember he did not call himself that; others did. Maybe that is what didiggity3 meant; that others call Jay-Z some sort of king.

I want (very much) a Traction Avant. As I remember it was the first mass produced uni-body car. Beautiful design too.

Noticed that did you? I'll bet "The Devil Drives a Rotary" has no idea what you mean. None so blind as those who refuse to see.

Not entirely true. Now if you are business with contributions to those politicians, all is going to go well for you. As this article plainly points out. If you are an individual or small business owner; you are on your own.

The Montrose in Houston is nice too. Sort of a miniature Austin.

If you think Washington is bought and sold by moneyed interests, try Texas. Now don't get me wrong; I used to live there. And there are some really (REALLY) nice people there, but politicians are owned by business.

Does that mean you weren't impressed with the recent royal wedding or the even more recent royal birth? Please say you weren't, please.

I think the more valid question is "who gives a shit about Lucky magazine." It's just one huge advertisement.

I kind of got that too. Is there a small consensus here?