
The main reason that craps is the best beginner game is that everyone is on the same team. In blackjack if you don’t act as “the book” says you should, other people on the table can get pisssssed at you. In craps, everyone wants everyone else to win. It’s extremely low pressure.

I agree with all of these reasons! Also, if you’re with a group of friends, craps is sooo much fun. Everybody really gets into it.

We get “Did you know 60,000 Syrian refugees have been approved to move to our town?!?” and “5000 homeless people have moved here from San Francisco!!!” Some people treat NextDoor like it’s their batshit Facebook page.

Counterpoint: The Jetsons was not a great future. The planet was so ravaged by climate change/nuclear war/nazis that rhey had to literally live in the sky to escape it.

You forgot and also want to eradicate all wildlife because coyotes and bobcats stalk the neighborhood and eat all the kids and pets.

I see much of the same (DFW suburb).
They refer to a gas station corner as the local neighborhood “crackstop” and frequently post if anyone is “loitering” in the area.
They even went so far as to take a picture of a “scantily clad” woman who was getting her tire repaired, at the tire shop on the same corner (FTR - she

I joined and never contribute, because I wanted to see how Florida my area could be.

Yeah, one time I saw someone posted (I think they mean to private message), ‘did you find any Spaniards?’ My family was like, ‘maybe they want to learn Spanish.’ I didn’t believe that. One neighbor even chimed in to say her husband was from Spain. They were looking for ‘day laborers’ but not ‘illegals.’ It went

When I was on Nextdoor, an apparent misunderstanding led to a rumor about a guy stealing pets and selling them and people turned to vigilante justice(!). After the rumor was picked up by the news, the cops had to go online and tell everyone to stop bother this guy’s family or they were going to be charged with

Apropos of your comment, I recently found out a neighbor diagonally from my house is a child pornographer. We live in three overlapping school zones. Lovely.

I kindly ask people to give more identifying details when all they mention is race, and point out to them that their black neighbors might feel/be less safe if everyone is on the lookout for someone who’s only defining characteristic is race. I know that my black neighbors need to be on Nextdoor so they know when to

My wife has us on NextDoor, but I refuse to use it or look at it. I learned all I ever wanted and didn’t want to know about the people who live near me from Facebook, and it’s one of the reasons I left it. I like talking to people in person when I see them outside about banal shit and not much else.

Yeeeep. I’m friends with my actual next-door neighbors, neither of which are on NextDoor because they’re sick of seeing these “warnings”. Sometimes the warnings turn into threats to attack people for riding loud motorcycles, or cutting people off in traffic or “lurking”. Fun stuff.

I left Nextdoor for that very reason. It was appalling to know how many of my neighbours are racist, sexist, homophobic hatemongers. Terrifying. One neighbour was posting pictures of gay neighbours holding hands and warning that they were obviously paedophiles.

I have also noticed this! They also complain about their perceived influx of government subsidized housing in the area.

seriously. i had no idea what a crime-ridden area i’ve lived in for 20+ years until i joined NextDoor and heard the constant bleating started of nervous neighbors talking about “suspicious people” casing homes and people surprisingly having their cars broken into when all they did was leave stuff on the back seat and

I mean you could go see your one movie then pay for the second and it would still pay for itself at this price.

That’s a healthier attitude to have than mine. I personally find it really depressing (and mind-boggling) that close to 40 percent of Americans like this goon. Not just prefer him to Hillary, but *like* him. From his perspective, though, you’re right; 38% should be an embarrassingly low number. But he’s gifted with a

Hey, I’m the guy from the mail room and my opinions are valid. You’re doing great work, but Trump is severely fucking delusional.

Several weeks ago, my boss, a Trump wanabee, said “isn’t our team the best and the greatest one in the firm?!!” And I told him, “no.” He won’t ask why and he hasn’t forgotten it. He’s been in a really bad mood since then. Time to grow up fellas.