
You made two points in your comment. The first was that your school’s payment plan was essentially “pay half now and pay half in 2 months.” Your second point was that many families probably can’t afford such expensive monthly payments. My comment is in response to your first point. I did not comment in response to

Not to be harsh but you may need to recognize that your individual experience (or even the experience of many students at many institutions) does not universally apply to all 5000+ colleges and universities in the United States. Just because this lifehack wasn’t applicable to you or might not even be applicable to

One of my biggest peeves with any advice that talks about “double your salary” is that, and I can’t be alone here, my 20s and 30s have been a time when I have drastically increased my salary... meaning, at my new job now I’m making much more than I was a year ago and in that job I was making much more than I was 4

Since my parent’s live next to a Delta hub city, I end up flying them a lot when I go home and the Amex Delta card has definitely paid for itself for me in luggage fees alone. It also has a benefit that I think FAR outweighs whatever Delta Skymiles normal plan is... I can use miles in 5000 mile increments to take $50

I’m not perfect, and I can’t magically undo the upbringing I had as a white person in American with all the social-constructs that come with it, but I try... and it’s been really interesting for me to try and check myself when I’m in situations where I’m walking down a street at night and see how I react to the people

Interestingly, I can’t help but think that had it been a black woman pushing a white baby, the caller would have passed without a second glance, assuming that the black woman was the nanny... Isn’t it nice (read: very un-nice) when you get a vortex of intersection of race, gender, and class like this.

Right? Would love to see a response here. The next comment on that thread was saying they’d be seeing me on To Catch a Predator... How sad to be a person who can’t think of an uncle spending time with his nieces or nephews without automatically thinking about pedophilia or abuse.

Ever single page of The New Jim Crow was haunting and horrifying... but one of the things that really stuck with me was how powerful the use of discretion is by the police and persecutors. On paper it looks great... in practice, it allows for (and provides camouflage for) tremendous amounts of racial prejudice.

It might just be that not ever family relationship is the same as the one you had. I had amazing relationships with my aunts and uncles. And cool adults. (None of which were Pew-De-Pie.)

I’d be flattered lol :p

It was inspired by when my aunt died when I was 30 and she left me a few thousand dollars. Not a ton, but at that time in my life, it really made a HUGE difference. I’ll never be in a position to buy a family member their first house as a wedding gift but a few thousands bucks in your late 20's and early 30's can

Not gonna lie, as a guy who loves kids, doesn’t have any of his own (and probably won’t) but who has a bunch of young nieces and nephews... I’m banking on this very issue as my time to SHINE! Got teenage angst at your parents? Come visit your uncle! Come for a week. Come for the summer. I’ll put you to work. Spoil

The word that comes to my mind is bravery. Thank you for being brave enough to call the police when you saw a college student napping in a common room. You could have done the easy thing and just walk by them (like you’ve undoubtedly walked by numerous students you’ve seen committing actual crimes like drinking

I’m less concerned with the Yale Police having a policy where they check someone’s ID. I’m more concerned with the fact that this 100% is not a policy applied across the board. They can say they are just “following procedure” (and don’t get me wrong, on paper, asking for ID sounds like rational commonsense policy)

You are incorrect on both counts.

I’ve thought about this a lot for my nieces... when each was born I started putting $25 a month into a separate account (as a separate goal in Betterment, under my own account, in my name) for them. My initial plan was to do this instead of buying them gifts they wouldn’t remember and didn’t need and then phase it out

Notes can also include “beer in this cooler - wine and soda in the fridge - help yourself” and other non-dud subjects lol.

I LOVE THIS! The part about the front door rings especially true... If people are in the back do they want me to go right in? Do they want me to walk directly around the house to the back yard? What’s going on?

I think this advice ESPECIALLY applies to experiences. I’ve often found myself torn between wanting to do something or go somewhere and wanting to not “waste” the money on it. Maybe it’s seeing a show, taking a weekend trip, paying an expensive entry fee at a museum... At the end of the day, no matter how much money I

Alternatively, if you automatically withdraw just 1 extra percent (you probably won’t even notice it’s gone really) starting when you’re in your mid-30s you can buy one entire extra year of retirement.