
I think this is the most important piece of advice. I started my first real out-of-college job about 9 months before the economy tanked in 2009 and being given similar advice was really transformative for me. In fact, I was told that I’m young enough I’ll probably see a few recessions so don’t worry about it. The way

I’ve been wondering if this would be a good way to provide interest free student loans... meaning, if one of the biggest issues with issuing interest free student loans is the default rate, the US Government already has more than enough collateral (or will in 35 years) for the vast majority of students taking out

I was nervous when I saw this headline thinking that I was going to click on the article and see Philadelphians do something horrible like take a knee in peaceful protest during the National Anthem. Thankfully, they just terrorized, looted, trespassed, and rioted.

Most important tip is to VISIT MONTREAL! It’s such a fun place to visit and, for those of you in the New York City area it’s so close! My boyfriend and I go once a year and it’s a 5.5-6 hour drive from just outside NYC. Definitly the best bang-for-your-buck for a long weekend getaway in my opinion.

Ignoring the fact that you are misrepresenting my comment (at no point was I critical of an article advising people of options they can make after they’ve maxed out their 401k; my comment is simply pointing out the fact that this is advice that is tailored to a narrow subset of readers), if you cannot see the

Nope, but we are allowed to comment on articles with our thoughts and participate in thoughtful discussion, which is what I did. Nowhere did I saw there was “anything wrong with that” or that “we are only allowed to have articles that apply to the majority of people” so I’m not sure why you are implying that is the

Those are all good points, but not sure why you are directing them at me. I’m not advocating that you max out your 401k. I’m discussing the article’s assertion that these other investments should be prioritized after you max out your 401k.

It’s a frequently cited goal for contributing to your 401k. It isn’t set in stone and, of course, someone making as little as $18,500 could technically still max out their 401k. The point is that 90% of Americans, regardless of how much they make, do not max out their 401k (some surely by choice, others because it is

I personally agree with what you are saying, but that’s not what this article is saying. That’s part of my point. Rather than saying that the following investment options might make sense in certain circumstances even if you haven’t yet maxed out your 401k, it instead implies that these are options (outside of maybe

Only 10% of Americans max out their 401k contributions which isn’t surprising as the $18,500 per person limit (so your two-earner household would be looking at $37,000) doesn’t include any employer match. If you’re looking to contribute 15% of your salary to retirement (before any employer contributions) you would

That’s possible... but, without bragging, we really do have great credit scores so it’s not like we walked in with a 750 and received flattery with obvious ulterior motives.

One of the high marks for both my boyfriend and I in regards to us successfully “adulting” was when, a year apart, we each bought a car and had the salesperson come back after running our credit report saying something like “you have a really great credit score by the way.” That being said, I don’t think it got us

I can promise you one thing about tonight’s State of the Union Address: It will be cited as the longest amount of time any President has gotten a standing ovation for or the most total amounts of claps ever in the history of State of the Unions. And if you doubt it, tomorrow there will be graphs showing you how it is

I’m sorry if I left you with the impression that we were both getting thousands of dollars back each year; we aren’t. Also, yes, our income has varied from year to year as we’ve switched jobs, gotten promotions, had significant student loans paid off, and received tax breaks from buying a condo.

So my partner and I have owned our condo for 4 years now and, when we first bought it and moved in together we made a -seemingly unimportant- decision to put both our tax returns into our join savings account since a portion of those refunds would be from the tax and mortgage benefits from owning the condo. We’re not

Or less incriminating... all the times I post something on social media (or even something like this very comment) that has a timestamp. I mean, if my boss happened to be on Lifehacker (you could be her for all I know!) it would be pretty hard for me to pretend I was NOT posting on Lifehacker at 3:49 PM on 1/29/18

Our very well developed system of public libraries is a way for the public to collect funds used to purchase books that are made available for free to others. The Free Little Library is a way for individuals to lend their personal books to members of the community. They don’t compete. If I created a system of free

Some public libraries are called “free” libraries (I think harking back to when that was maybe a new concept... not sure). For example, the public library in New Haven, CT is called the “new Haven Free Public Library.” That isn’t to mean that there are pay-libraries down the block... it’s just highlight the fact that

Yup... and, again, I think it’s the fact that most people aren’t thinking about it that’s the real problem. Knowing posting the location of where I am camping is one thing but the surprise from posting a random picture of you at your remote campsite and finding out that I can possibly tell where you are located within

I don’t agree with what you said and I don’t agree that you accurately represent what I said.