
Yes, my comment isn’t specific to Strava but to the concept itself which already regularly happens... even from things as simply as tagging a location in a photo you upload to Facebook.

I’m not a crazy alarmist or anything and I don’t mind sharing some info (probably too much) publicly on the internet, but I really think that people underestimate just how revealing data like this is over time. Outside of identifying military bases (which, lol by the way), it wouldn’t be hard to take a critical look

For me, it was a plane ticket. I never felt so grown up as when I first planned for, paid for, and booked my first flight. Honestly, the feeling didn’t wear off quickly... one of my first few flights I bought on my own was for a solo trip to Mexico and I was like “wait, I can just buy a non-refundable ticket, leave

I also toyed with “Trump, you some -not all, not even most- Americans wanted to be President,”

Can someone teach me how to create an extension that changes any reference to “Trump” to “Trump, who most Americans did not want to be President?”

For years I used Turbotax. Then, when we bought our condo, that year we decided to go in and actually have a tax professional do our taxes so we went to HR Block. I had no complaints with HR Block but we pretty much just sat with the guy and watched him go through his own software on his computer guiding us through

As it is, my nieces get to sleep in my bedroom when we are all at my parent’s house visiting for Christmas and I get to sleep on the couch... now I have to download a separate app too? When does the coddling end?

Shhh... be careful. Most of the other comments I’ve been getting in response are from Android fanboys letting me know how ignorant I am for not just Skypeing instead or how Apple is the Devil...

You are correct. It is not a problem. I wrote a comment with an intended 10/90 serious-to-joke ratio and it apparently has been interpreted as a 100/0 serious-to-joke ration.

While I was joking, the “fault” is my brothers in that operating in a present circumstance where Apple does not allow Facetime to be cross-platform, he chooses to be the only one in the family with an Android. While the rest of my family Facetime’s he choose (that’s the “why it’s his fault” in this joke again) to be

Yeah, and we have Skyped a few times. Facetime is just more convenient as I don’t necessarily want to download an entire app and enable push notifications just to get a random call every once and awhile. I know, I know, first world problems.

I don’t have an iPhone 4 sitting around (because any time I’ve upgraded I’ve been able to sell my current model for $250-300) but I would love this as a dedicated Facetime machine for my nieces since their miserable parents insist on being the only people in our family with Androids lol.

My apologies for trying to think outside the box. I forgot that no innovation ever occurs in that marginal space outside of “virtually nobody does it this way.” You are totally correct. As someone who is not a bank I should have left the experts continue to use the same proprietary pay-day loan strategy as they do

Thank you for not seeing the forest for the trees and missing the point entirely here.

You’ve never heard of micro-loans I take it.

I read this a few years ago so can’t remember the details. Obviously, this was an option better suited to families with higher than average wealth I believe. But the general idea was to pool resources for initial capital I think.

Honestly, I once read an article about that very idea focused on families creating their own “bank” to lend money for student loans. Based on how high student loan interest rates are, I can see the draw...

The sad thing is that there are plenty of us out here making 1% interest on savings (if we’re lucky) who would be happy to get like a 5% return. Even with the risk of difficult, you’d think there would be a bank or credit union specializing in moderate-risk personal loans that would be able to give investors an

This is so dumb. Everyone knows the way to solve arguments with you partner is to eventually just agree to something because you’re tired of fighting about it then secretly let an acorn of resentment grow into a giant oak tree of hate and bile that utterly ruins any happiness you used to have. Obviously.

Interesting... Personally, I enjoy my privacy and hang the do not disturb up and am happy to not have anyone come in to clean for the 4-5 days of my trip. Being told someone from the hotel would “have” to enter my room at least once every 24 hours is kind of annoying.