
This might not mean much now in a world with smartphones and the ability to just look something up on the fly, but one trick I used to use when I would visit a museum in a different city was to first visit the gift shop because they tend to sell products with their most famous artworks on it. This definitely led me to

This is why I LOATHE when I see an article about financial advice about how someone should save for retirement that starts with something like “well, once you’ve maxed out your 401k contribution, we recommend that you x, y, z.” Max out your 401k contribution? That’s $18,500 for 2018 and that DOES NOT include any

We’ll need more people to fix autonomous trucks in 2100 than we did in 1800. That’s part of my point, yes, these are potentially major changes... but only major changes to the specific way we do things now... not major changes to how we live on the long-term.

My boyfriend insists I’m a morning person because on days off and when we are on vacation, I always wake up hours and hours before him... I keep insisting that my body betrays me and, after years of waking up at 7am for work, I can’t not wake up early... That being said, if I have a week or more off I start to get

Agreed that it has some issues. But I could easily see how contributing more to a 401k would result in longer repayment on a student loan. That’s my case. I opted to contribute a bit more to my 401k rather than pay off student loan earlier. But in the end I am confident that was the right choice.

That’s something I would be into. Our brief alarms don’t really bother the other, but every time someone swears by a Philips Wake Up light or whatever I wonder how that would work for most people.

Yeah, but again, that’s no different or a problem now than it has been for centuries (or millennia). So while it is an issue, it isn’t a new one.

Are my partner and I the only couple on the planet that never wake up at the same time? Some of this is great, but many times, due to conflicting schedules, we wake up hours apart and if he clicked a button that kicked up the heat, turned on the lights, and started playing music at 6am I would kill him.

This technological automation isn’t anything that multitudes of wealthy people have been doing for millennia with actual human labor... so I wouldn’t break out the doom-and-gloom apocalyptic scenarios just yet.

I’m the type of person who eats the same thing over and over and over for months... then hardly ever again ha ha. And I def went through a Five Guys faze (not every day, but it was my go-to).

Next you’ll tell me I’m crazy for driving miles out of my way to eat at the OTHER Five Guys just so that the regular Five Guys people won’t judge me for eating there 3 days in a row... or twice in one day... I might have a problem...

Not speaking about the click-bate-ness, I just mean that the article talks about how blue moons happen every 2-3 years but that eclipses during blue moons are much more rare so I think he meant to say that it is the first eclipse blue moon in 150 years.

Hope you weren’t this much of a wet blanket Sunday night... picturing you at a bar while everyone is counting down with champagne in hand telling them all that the New Year is just a social construct and that the Earth going around the sun isn’t rare and you’re sick about everyone getting so excited for it.

Is the headline a typo? Is it supposed to read “the first blue moon eclipse in 150 years?”

Cast iron skillets are always a win! I found a place that does custom milling on cast iron skillets so you can put a pattern/design/wording on the bottom. I think that I’m going to make this my go-to wedding gift from now on because it’s rare that you can gift something that can be used every day and last for

I was not aware of credit cards whose rewards were given based on the total amount of balance on the card at the time the bill was issued. Could you elaborate?

Being interested in having a good credit score is not the same thing as needing to build your credit score.

But this is still incorrect. You do not need to have credit utilization to have a good credit score. And, not everyone is using a credit card to build a higher credit score. Some already have a high score and that isn’t a problem. If you are trying to say “at least, if your only purpose for using a credit card is to

Even if this is true, this would only apply to people completely paying off their card as they go... I think the strategy is still equally valid for people who make significant payments as they go even if they leave a few bucks at the end here and there. But more importantly, if the only reason someone is using a