
I disagree that it should only be used as exception. Not everyone needs to increase their credit score so this wouldn’t be an issue for everyone. But also, if someone’s using a debit card over a credit card just because they feel they won’t budget their money as well and are scared away from having a large balance at

One tip I have used (to varying degrees) and often recommend is this: You don’t HAVE to wait to the end of the month to pay your credit card bill in one lump sum. If you’re concerned about spending money you don’t have, then pay off your balance weekly, or at the end of the day if you’ve just made a large purchase. Or

I would love to post a “worst nine” just to be different. I doubt any app will do this for me, but does anyone know an easy way to pull the stats for all my posts so I can see how many likes each got and do it myself?

It seems to me that there might be some muddling here in whether the problem is that someone isn’t responding to your email or whether the problem is that someone is not doing what you have asked them to do.

This is why I am SO thankful that I got my grandma’s cast iron skillet (well, two of them actually). I actually use them almost daily, they are nearly indestructible, and it’s great to actually USE something that my grandma actually USED instead of just storing away in my basement something that my grandma also stored

I guess this explains why, as the only white guy at family gatherings, nobody eats my deviled eggs...

This seems really cute and I think the concept would be really fun for a co-pilot getting driving directions from the passenger seat of a car...

Maybe... but I think what I’m trying to say is that, if I were to judge his responsiveness to me trying to snuggle on the couch while he’s looking at his phone, I don’t think we would pass the 85% cut. What I’m encouraging us to do is to make sure we are judging that 85% not just by a limited criteria of one certain

I have conflicting feelings about my answer here... but I’m tempted to say The Shining. The problem is that I don’t think that the movie was BETTER than the book... in fact, I loved the book... but they are such different entities and the movie can definitely stand on it’s own as a masterpiece.

Yeah, I think that’s the “languages of love” concept or something like that.

These are great... but sometimes I find myself reading too much into this kind of thing after reading an article like this. For example, I’ll read this and go home and then start to fret my boyfriend and I are destined to not work out because when we are watching TV and he’s looking at his phone and I lean over to

My tip: Don’t do this if you aren’t willing to hear a story repeated... and I mean that in a good way. We are so quick to cut someone off (especially the elderly) when they repeat themselves... but if you do that, you might lose out on hearing something new. I lived out of town toward the end of my grandma’s life but

I honestly don’t think I had ever had a Thanksgiving or Christmas growing up where the turkey hand’t been pre-carved. I never saw the whole turkey. Never needed to.

I have a feeling that, were I to spend the next few decades lavishly bribing my nieces with gifts (at a fraction of the cost of actually feeding, housing, clothing, and educating them), I could reap some of the benefits of having them care for me in my old age without hardly any of the deleterious side-effects.

I think they’ll find it pretty easy to have an insurance company adjust their policy in this matter if it means securing Notre Dame as a client.

I can’t tell if you’re just obtuse or a troll, but either way, I am no longer going to continue this conversation. I can’t stop you from responding to this but just know that any response will be dismissed unread.

I realistically expect to receive about 70% of the planned social security payout by the time I retire based on current forecasts... but I’ve just always been taught to never bank on that as a retirement strategy and so I always run my numbers without any social security benefit. If I end up getting a few thousand a

The phrase “keeping up with the Joneses” comes to mind. But outside of that, you’ve never heard of societal pressure to have children? Go to college? Get married? That you should be happy if you have x in life? That you are a failure if you have/haven’t accomplished x?

I disagree. We have a society that actively tells people what they should want, what they should do, who they should be. Discernment, or a failure to do so, is not an individual failure any more than poverty is.

I just assumed everyone followed the best practice of not taking into account any potential social security and making your financial plans accordingly. At this point, if I get any social security, it’ll be happy surprise... but I’m making my retirement planning with assuming I’ll get any.