Yeah, obviously. This was just a “what if” aside comment. Obviously, when camping or in an emergency situation, one should not fear post-boiling water due to a hypothetical bio-warfare weapon.
Yeah, obviously. This was just a “what if” aside comment. Obviously, when camping or in an emergency situation, one should not fear post-boiling water due to a hypothetical bio-warfare weapon.
I’m no expert, and maybe it doesn’t matter for drinking water, but there are things that are dangerous and survive boiling temperature... hence my reference to botulism. That’s the reason you have to pressure can... the spores survive regular boiling temperatures. But the fact that we’re so reliant on boiling water…
Man, if one were to get into the germ warfare game, I bet one of your first goals would be to simply increase your temperature threshold to allow you to survive long temperatures just above 212 degrees. (I’m looking at you botulism.)
Right? I’ve started to get so many, all formatted so similarly (and poorly) that I was wondering if I had actually been infected with some computer virus lol.
Oh thank God... I stumbled upon this toggle and thought it had been there all along and I had just never noticed it. It was such a delightful surprise!
If there is such a thing as a universal truth, surely it is that you always find the most interesting and memorable things when you wander.
I use this feature ALL the time and love it. It’s just plain useful, more times than you would think.... partly for the “as the crow flies” measurements but also for custom walking/driving distances. I use it to measure potential 5k routes or to figure out how far I walked when I was in the city last... perfect for…
I just wish that, if we are really going to go with the “rule of law” argument on this, we would have the cajones to treat all crimes the same. You want to hold children accountable for the actions of their parents? That’s fine I guess... but does that mean we’ll be charging children who grow up in drug houses as…
I think we clearly work in very different workplace environments too. I have a small office with 5-6 people I’ve worked with for over 4 years. We know a lot about each other lol.
The fact that you wouldn’t make an assumption is the point. There’s nothing tricky about it. The point isn’t to correctly guess someone’s sexual orientation, but just to show your openness.
Not only do I not think that’s the goal, but I don’t think that’s anything that I implied or alluded to anyway.
I’m not necessarily talking about an initial “so do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/partner” scenario. I’m talking about the people you’ve worked with long enough to know your relationship status already. The encouragement isn’t in asking if you have a boyfriend but in asking how is your boyfriend.
These are all great... but, as an LGBTQ person myself... they seem so “high concept.” For me, what makes me feel like I have allies is when people do little things like not presume my partner is the opposite gender or just ask about my partner.
I bought the same (or very similar) set 5-6 years ago and even now, their awesomeness has not worth off. They are just good, quality pans. Definitely one of the best investments I have made in my adult life for something I use all the time.
I bought the same (or very similar) set 5-6 years ago and even now, their awesomeness has not worth off. They are…
Hmmm... and I could probably get one of those wifi flash drives that I can access from my iPhone and carry an offline version of Wikipedia with me and settle arguments with my boyfriend whenever I want!
Not paying attention to the amount of noise you create is a big one... I’m thinking of how Americans tend to carry on full conversations with a group when on public transportation with nobody really caring... but in Japan or some other places, you end up looking incredibly loud and obnoxious.
At the very least, I always enjoyed flying with a blazer because of the extra pockets. It’s so handy.
It’s like the police who do these dangerous high-speed chases because they saw a guy roll through a stop sign or something... the harm (to an individual or the public) is nowhere close enough to justify the violation of rights or the risk to an individual or others.
Yeah, obviously. What I’m talking about is the fact that they use, apparently successfully, as a cover story or as “plausible” motive, the claim that she might have had marijuana. I’m not claiming what they did was because of weed. I’m claiming that it is absurd that something as trifling as a private citizen possibly…
And you are one of the people who “insist their is any.” I’m not going to waste my time here arguing with a random person on the internet about whether or not there are personal or social harm in marijuana. You obviously know that there is educated disagreement both for and against. That’s why I “snuck” that morsel…