This is all you need to know about Ed Werder. That he misspelled “even” is just icing on the cake.
This is all you need to know about Ed Werder. That he misspelled “even” is just icing on the cake.
Still flying high from his unorthodox switch-ups in the game, Maddon then hit the showers and washed his body before shampooing his hair this time.
What do the rules say about those fucking disgusting Mariners uniforms. Holy shit.
What say you, the 73% of commenters who went to law school?
Careful now or you’re going to attract Yankee fans to show you what out of touch assholes really look like.
Also, your cops like to shoot innocent poor people.
Here’s another interesting fact for you: In 2016, all of that is completely fucking irrelevant!
The first amendment didn’t kill anybody either, but you’re still not allowed to yell fire in a crowded fucking theater.
Should be charged with willful ignorance. It’s a symptom of a greater problem with bicyclists in NYC; they think the rules about respecting a bicyclist’s right to share the rode is inviolate, but they do not respect the rules of the road (or sidewalk) themselves. This guy was just merrily humming along and saw a…
So, he still has to take responsibility for his action.
Ignorance is not an excuse.
Mo’ne Davis really let herself go.
Seeking new revenue streams are a natural reaction to owing more money than you’re worth to an angry, leathery, orange former professional wrestler.
Makes U Think
My biggest concern about that video is what appears to be the god damn confederate flag in the background.
The problem is that the trip was just so unbelievably blatant. I understand not calling tick-tack penalties (light hook/grab), but the Islanders illegally disrupted a clear scoring chance without any question.
You mean places without fully developed social safety nets and economic systems? Not sure how those are a relevant comparison.
Everything about this game is the most Philadelphia thing to have ever happened.
It’s Always Scummy In Philadelphia
Want to honor your beloved owner on a night of remembrance...take cheap shots, cheer injuries, toss your memorial bracelets on the ice, and get another penalty. Philly fans like to say their stereotype of being the worst human beings in sports isn’t fair, and then reinforce that truth at every chance. Bravo Philly!