
I am sometimes that (female) dude, though it's usually a book. Not when my wife and I go out to eat somewhere nice, but if we're just stopping in at Tim Hortons for a sandwich before we do the grocery shopping, then, yeah. Partly because my wife has lived in this neighbourhood forever, and worked at three very visible

I think we should all add this to our names.

Beautiful. I approve these breakfast puns in the name of the father, the son, and the holy toast.

Either way, I figured he'd show his face in carbs.

And I will be "Josie Grossie, sometime-listener of John Mellencamp." We should all henceforth be defined by our relationship (or lack thereof) to John Mellencamp. He is the NEW Kevin Bacon, everyone. Please make a note.

Show some respect for pancake jesus. He fried for our sins.



Approximation of my stuffed animal needs.

Well, are you that cute one that so wasn't into their date Saturday night? Then yes. We were texting about you. ;)

Aw come one . . . it made me smile thinking of having coffee with a stuffed hippo. Of course I go out by myself all the time so maybe it's the just the thought of a server asking me if I minded company that made me laugh.

Are you sure that couple on their phones isn't texting back and forth about you?

My luggage tag, apropos of Moomins:

I am in full support of this concept and would like to start a petition for it to be brought to the US.

This will be Ryan's first big role in years. The girlfriend of John Mellencamp

Really! They described her as the "girlfriend of john mellancamp" and totally ignore the fact that she is something more that his girlfriend! that is shocking. The years of work, the film roles, awards (if she received any, I have no idea) and any contributions she may have made to the world and it all boils down to

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, a 53-year-old woman who is so hot and awesome that it almost seems unfair that she still can't get a spread in a magazine with out having to be nude or fuck something, stars in her very own photo spread in next month's issue of GQ wherein she fucks a clown.

Just don't do it.