I haven’t seen a pic of Courtney in awhile, but what in holy hell? Is that just makeup or has she gone mad?
No shit.
My boss decided to fire everyone except me in my office leaving me to work 6 days a week for months. My grandfather was dying I knew I would need time for the the funeral etc. When I knew the time was near I worked 10 days straight at 10 hours day so I would be able to take time off for it. Apparently it was extremely…
Depends on the job. I’ve been where I am now for 6 years and I’m the one with the second lowest seniority. There are 9 of us.
Or she was passed over for promotions because the manager didn’t want to lose her in that grunt position.
My husband had a manager tell him that he could immediately go back to swing shifts or lose his job right after he had surgery.
If you read the letter, it sounds like the shift was on a day that’s not in the employee’s usual schedule—the department/team is being asked to work mandatory additional overtime (with the shittiest shifts based on seniority) because of some new project that’s launching. So it’s like if she never works Saturday,…
Really? I was told that I couldn’t have the day off for my wedding. I couldn’t have MY WEDDING DAY off work, because I “should have thought about the weekend rotation” before I set the date.
I’m reading “seniority” in this case as “job title.” It’s totally possible for a small team to only have one person in a few roles (that can still cover for each other with limited but ok for short periods of time capability). If that’s the case, this becomes more believable. I’m thinking in particular of a few…
I worked for a manager who was so, so power hungry and image-obsessed, but not terribly competent. A colleague had to schedule a major surgery that would include her being on temporary disability (the surgery would put her in a wheelchair for about four weeks and then two weeks of physical therapy; Nice to meet you,…
It doesn’t say she had THE lowest seniority. There were other people who were also scheduled that day.
I don’t think most of us care if it’s fake because it’s completely plausible and not even as bad as other stories many of us have personally been involved in.
Apparently, the product release that they needed to support was what came up suddenly. The graduation wasn’t a day that the employee normally would have worked.
You should see some of the OTHER letters Alison’s had this year. There’s a manager who keeps showing up to his employee’s chemotherapy treatments to talk about non-urgent work matters (and he lies to the clinic and claims to be family), and a boss who required all employees to be tested to be a liver donor for his…
As predicted, HR contacted me about taking bereavement pay last week when I’d already take it in January. My response, “Yes, I lost my father in January, and my Grandmother last week. It’s been quite the shitty year.”
I work for a guy who tried to get a woman fired for leaving before her shift ended because she was told of her mother’s passing. People are dicks.
I once had a boss get on my case because I didn’t ask off for my grandfather’s funeral two weeks in advance per company policy.
I find the idea of a manager that actually knows how to do the jobs of the employees they manage hilarious.
Seniority at this workplace may be by rank and not time served