Official Witch of Los Angeles

I'm a woman and I think collecting cars is a badass hobby! If I had the cash, there's a few vintage cars I'd snap up in a heartbeat. I dunno why that seems irrational and weird compared to planning a wedding without anyone to marry. I took offense to that comparison. If it's mean spirited to say its lame to fantasy

Also equally fucked is the assumption that the women who have come forward are only in it for "money" or "fame." Look how many didn't want to be identified, how many didn't want the media knocking down their doors. Money and fame my ass.

When I got good marks on my first grade report card (LOL) mom took me to Toys R Us for the first (and, sadly, only) time I'd be rewarded for being a smart kid. I was allowed to pick out one toy, and I knew immediately I was getting a Puppy Surprise because DUH. The commercials were everywhere in the early 90s, and as

I would be really bummed if Steve Martin or Bill Murray turned out to be super rapists. UGH.

I take a lot of happiness in knowing the Hollister sweats crowd of my high school mostly turned out to be community college dropouts who still live in Mom & Dad's house.

I just have no fucking clue why a Conventionally Attractive White Girl sharing pictures of herself and her Conventionally Attractive White Friends doing Rich Teen Things is supposed to be interesting and/or worth anyone's time? This is exactly the kind of shit I would have laughed at as a teenager.

I graduated high school in 2006. Cell phones weren't as ubiquitous as they are now; I didn't get mine until I started driving, and the same was true for most of my friends. The Internet was obviously around, but things were very much still limited to the world of AIM and (then in 2005-2006) MySpace. LiveJournal was

Never have I needed Mr. Bean more than a time like this.

I'm relatively skinny (size 4/6) but I am the least active/athletic person on the planet. I would fail.

I wish I was lying, but that's the name of my sister-in-law's niece. Spelled the same way and everything.

Ugh my cousin had those decals (and she also had red hair, so she used every opportunity to remind me that SHE was Ariel, not me). In fact, my aunt made her a whole fucking Little Mermaid room, complete with a seashell headboard. I hated her. So much.

You can thank Scientology for that.

Oh god, this makes me never ever want to get pregnant.

"...a girl—blonde, sexy, full-lipped and drowsy-eyed—whom I'd seen working at a dance club in Silver Lake."

I think the first story was more the customer making a "bad" jokes — you know, the kind like your average Suburban Dad (ie: My father) would make. I don't actually think he thought it was Italian food.

She couldn't remember how she liked it done,

I went to a school with a big football scene, but also a robust academic environment. Football doesn't automatically mean a school isn't worth attending. (See: Stanford, Cal, USC, etc.)

Yeah, not to doxx this insane woman — but she's literally an elderly woman who shills for California Pro-Life all over Facebook. Unless she's a miracle woman who had a kid at 70, I doubt she's the parent of a high schooler. Just another anti-choice troll.

Her Facebook is a load of fun. Here's what she says about organ

I would buy this. I would definitely buy this.

You've definitely driven through it — it's where the big cemetery on the side of 280 is!