Official Witch of Los Angeles

Sigh. I, too, thought I would marry Lance Bass.

I don't like olives! I think they're too salty, and they leave a weird aftertaste in my mouth. Does that mean I whine and complain when I see olives in something? Naw, I just pick them out and go on my merry way.

Oh man, you should write an article about that. I'm curious what the #1 reason is. (And if it's "we don't like each other anymore," I'm gonna be bummed. I want dirt!)

Because I love writing and I love music. I specifically love writing about music, and I don't have the patience to get my PhD in Musicology — mostly because I write about popular music movements (post 1950) and I had no desire to learn about Early Music and other crap for seven years.

There are multiple who teach at my alma mater and who specifically taught in my program, yes. I only had two as my personal teachers, but that's because my concentration was something different than most of my cohort.

Hey now, as someone who went to grad school to become and arts critic with many other talented, kind aspiring critics — don't lump us altogether with such lazy stereotyping. My professors, many of whom have won Pulitzer Prizes for their criticism, would be horrified if any of us turned in a piece that went for the

Are we looking at the same person? Because I don't see a "fat" woman. I see a woman. A woman who can sing, very, very well. Methinks the old stodgy critic dudes of London might be followers of the "not all men" movement.

Dude, maybe your friend's boyfriend is my ex. The only "ethnic" food he could tolerate were California Rolls. I'm half Hispanic, so spice is in my blood. Homeboy even thought mustard was "too spicy."

Picky eaters are evil humans, I'm convinced. How can you NOT like avocados? Mushrooms, I get the concept can be weird. But avocados!?

Who the fuck thinks gummy bears (unchewable, gooey garbage) are better than Swedish Fish? They're so good!

Sadly, there are enough whackjobs like the Duggars in this country that their children will never have to interact with us "real world" citizens. Their spouses come from a pre-selected pool of other fundies, their "education" (if you can call it that) comes from fundamentalist educational pamphlets and textbooks, and

The 2014 version of The Hut totally needs to happen. It'll have WiFi, cable, comfy blankets and pillows — and, of course, all the snacks your heart could desire.

I just don't understand how one could be in Paris during the summer and NOT eat Berthillon. The lines are impossible to miss.

For now, I am in favour of maintaining celibacy, with all the pros and cons that some with it, because in ten centuries there have been more positive experiences than errors

As a former NewsCorp employee, damn. I wish I'd thought of that one first.

I'm glad that Facebook was still closed off until we received college email access, and there was minimal to no MySpace/Xanga bullying or drama. I feel like "cyberbullying" hadn't yet developed into what we know of it today — at least maybe in my neck of the woods. This was pre-smartphone, too, so texting was pretty

It's Armchair Quarterback syndrome amplified.

I wasn't referring to this particular implementation of family leave, just mocking the usual rhetoric from those who say family leave isn't needed.

Because herp derp the goverrrmunt shouldn't pay for you to sit at home with your babies! I don't wanna bankroll your private life! (But they should sure as hell regulate it if you're one of them homos!) Can't be a stay at home parent, don't have kids! 'Mercuh!

This is awesome, but I wish it wasn't just a benefit extended to the military. Both American men and women need this in the "real world," too. Imagine if you could still be an active participant in your private sector job while taking a year off to have a child — it would be a lifesaver, I imagine, for so many