Not to get all political, but it’s really impossible to not point out that if Trump wins, he’ll remove all regulation that hampers Musk’s “vision” of FSD and probably designate Tesla as America’s Volkswagen: a highly encouraged transportation option by the federal government.
People like movie props. Some dude spent $805,000 for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Elon Musk paid $997,000 for the Lotus sub from The Spy Who Loved me. People pay a lot for movie genuine movie props, they pay less per piece but more in total for replicas.
Incent uban reintigration. Dismantle highway/freeway corridors between urban centers, invest in free/cheap intra-urban transport and restrict investment inter-urban traffic to public transportation.
Man, what a waste! Just wait until Musk’s Boring Company completes its LA-Palm Springs tunnel....pfffft sorry I just couldn’t bring myself to finish.
Probably Adrian Dittman
As mentioned above and in the previous robotaxi announcement, there is no way Musk is announcing anything but a Tesla being driven buy a guy in a bodysuit at his robotaxi reveal. If FSD were available, the people who paid for it years ago would have it enabled now.
I’m not saying we could or should just replace all urban vehicles with mini cars today, it’s too late for that because a lot of people who live in major cities DO need freeway access. But we wouldn’t need as many freeway lanes or giant cars as we have today if America hadn’t allowed the destruction of public transit…
Because Americans, like Alton Brown, hate unitaskers. Most people should be using mini cars in places they make sense like dense urban areas, and renting a pickup from Home Depot for $25 for the 75 minutes they actually need them every other year. We should also be building out robust public transportation on the…
That doesn’t save Miata, though.
They’re going to have to release a Miata “Countryman” so I can fit into it, if you want me to buy one.
It’s going to be a regular Tesla with an Optimus robot at the wheel (probably a marionette being controlled by a guy offscreen).
A true robotaxi would just be a regular Tesla with FSD, which if it existed, would (should) have been rolled out to the customers (suckers) who paid for it first.
So what is Musk going to announce on Friday to distract from this? Roadster by end of 2024? All Teslas will have Starlink built in? Optimus robots will launch next quarter with FSD enabled?
Any love for a six-nine Buick Electra 225? Because the best car is the car you got; It’ll get you all the females.
How about a black Ferrari 512 BBi tuned by Claudio Zampolli?
He finished the conversation with, “Now watch this dive.”
“’unknown cargo detection and evidence collection system’ designed to prevent vehicle owners from becoming a “blind mule” for drug traffickers.”