Gin and Panic

They can stream it. There are at least 20 different services that carry HS football games online; if AM disappears you can expect more to pop up and/or the existing ones to grow.

If they want to keep AM for public safety, they can pick one frequency and reserve it across the United States. Clear out 5 KHz of the best spectrum and treat them like the EBS where you can activate it in affected areas via a few 50-100 kW antennas. Use it for regional emergency weather alerts, national security

These are the kind of stops cops should be making and charging people for, not “5 over in a 55.” I also think that any money collected for traffic stops should go into traffic safety programs, not law enforcement budgets. Make people pay for their own driver’s (re)education.

And people want this guy to install chips in their brains. “Musknet doesn’t appreciate some of your most recent X posts. Here’s a 2-hour involuntary nap for you to have time to reconsider your loyalties.”

Maybe a Leeds United or LA Chargers superfan?

...Yet. Until Mr. Freespeech starts siccing his internal “security” team on them to investigate, doxx, and fire them.

The same way he halved gas prices; by crashing the economy.  

“TeLeScOpEs ShOuLd Be In SpAcE aNyWaY!”

Yeah the early ones weren’t bad, they just weren’t as good as the original.

A slight improvement, but nowhere near where it started.  At least the 6th generation looked a little different from everything else.  The 8th generation looks like everything else.  

Any model that was redesigned in the 1970s, but specifically the Mercury Cougar. Take your pick; each generation is worse than the last, but the one that “ruined” the car was the 4th. And it never really got better.

Just tell the boards of Musk’s companies that have federal contracts that they either need to remove him completely or the US will do it for them. He’ll be out on his ass before lunch.  

The remnants of the craft were later returned to the surface in order for investigators to figure out just what went wrong with the sub.

Do you enjoy the jolt of coming to a complete stop?

Asimov would punch you square in the nose if you told him, “Machines should break laws because people break laws.

The Girdwood crew described poor driving visibility in the area, with wind and horizontal rain.  The truck went off the road in an area where the guardrail had been removed due to an ongoing highway construction project

Do automakers like Maserati include those toolkits in their cars as an inside joke with their customers, or on their customers?

2023 Voyager; only available via fleet sales, got ours as a wheelchair conversion. But yes, Pacifica is exactly the same with better options.


Tesla: We only promised they’d have FSD hardware, nobody said they’d have the capability.