Wait a minute, driver education is counter to “American values of individual freedom”?
Agreed; maybe just a 2-tier system, 5 over for 45 MPH or less, 10 over for 46 MPH or more. But they shouldn’t leave “10 over in a 20 MPH school zone is good enough” like they have now.
We can’t add more comprehensive driver education or enforcement via hard limiters or ticketing, that’s completely counter to American values of individual freedom at the expense of societal safety, so we have to resort to nagging. My GPS already turns the little MPH indicator sign on the screen red when I’m speeding,…
Well, there goes that bonus.
Username checks out.
The European mind can’t comprehend this. What’s the use of bicycling if you’re not blocking traffic in heel clips, full spandex, and wraparound shades like you’re training for an Ironman Triathlon? Look at these lazy assholes. I bet their heart rate never leaves zone 2, how are they supposed to max their gains like…
This is NOT a fair comparison! Why didn’t MotorTrend use a manual Cybertruck like they did the Porsche? Every car guy knows rowing your own is faster than slushboxes, giving the Porsche a clear and unfair advantage.
But officer, Freebird was playing.