Gin and Panic

Leaving leaves in situ under trees can lead to problems with fungal diseases like tar spot; if you get it, you absolutely have to immediately rake and remove fallen leaves and dispose of them by burning, burying or composting otherwise the spores can spread to other trees in the area. If the problem becomes reoccurring

1. Square pizza
2. Soapy hamburgers that tasted great drown in thousand island dressing
3. Chicken Nuggets (this is before chicken nuggets were a thing, in the 1970s)
4. Hoagie sandwiches you could improve from the salad bar
5. A salad bar that let you take however much food would fit on the tray.
(A favorite with the

Or states that realize that there are different levels of ability in society and don’t try to shame people who may have limited mobility through no fault of their own.

It’s like if they’d have skipped over Letterman and given the Tonight Show to Leno. Then to somebody else, then to Leno again.

Kinja’d again, this article was below the “Devious Licks” article.

My face at the thought of stopping kids from stealing from and vandalizing schools to the tune of thousands of dollars in damage being an “authoritarian crackdown.”

I hope he gets a thorough tour of the inside of Rikers.  

Growing up, we never bought bottled ranch. Mom always bought packets and it was always Uncle Dan’s.


Or, instead of 3-5 different, competing private vanity space programs, we could tax billionaires appropriately and use the funds for one, unified, national space program. You know, like we did back when America was great and stuff.

Next week in Mexico City:

As usual, be aware that “lifetime” means “until we decide to discontinue the service, which will be solely at our discretion.

As usual, be aware that “lifetime” means “until we decide to discontinue the service, which will be solely at our

Now playing

He wanted to be sure that the true culprit behind extreme swirling weather phenomena was identified:

Unvaccinated players are not being judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

As excited as I am for the new expansion, I wish they’d dedicate a percentage of that “staffing up” to fixing the game in its current state. PVP, bugs, world design, easy QoL stuff, etc.

Jesus.  Don’t even get me started on his economic theories.  

(That’s how the headline parsed in my noggin.)

(That’s how the headline parsed in my noggin.)

No shower, no toidy tanks, no LP gas, battery or genny (which means no off-grid cooking since it uses an electric grill as a “stove”), no sale. Esp. at that price. This is just a glamper for people who are going to stay exclusively at KOAs that have DoorDash service.

IDK if building power lines below ground in cities and states that are already at or below seal level is a good answer.

That’s a lot of extra work. The main culprit is not drying your sheets enough and putting them away damp. I can’t stand that musty smell. But you don’t have to take all day to pre-soak or line-dry your sheets, this can be taken care of by just adding a few minutes of wash/dry cycle time.

1. mix washing powder in with