I’m going to hell for this:
I’m going to hell for this:
I think it lessens the incentive for people to apologize for and make up for past mistakes if people refuse to give them even the slightest bit of credit for doing so.
Of course douchebag warlords love MMA. Like flies to shit. The douchebaggiest of all sports.
I know it won’t matter to most people, but this is a really good statement and exactly how these things should be done.
Savvy move by Portis calling out “Jordan” right before he smashed his white teammate’s face.
To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.
We are talking about the people Facebooking and Tweeting him being imbeciles. There is no Trumpcare. It is Obamacare. He is trolling these people into visiting the website, signing up, and seeing that the program isn’t the work of the devil like they have been propagandized too. But they all think it is this amazing…
Needlessly? Do you like sitting stopped at green lights for no reason? Not to mention, it’s potentially a safety issue sitting stopped in traffic at a green light - someone sees that light ahead and does not notice cars stopped there unexpectedly. This is Cop Power Trip 101 type stuff.
Yeah, there was escalation on the part of the cop prior to that...
He didn’t honk again until the cop hit the brakes again. I’d do the exact same thing if some asshole decided to stop in an intersection in front of me with a green light.
It isn’t needless. People have places to be. If someone doesn’t have enough cognizance to realize a light is green, they’re not paying attention. If they’re not paying attention, they’re a hazard to themselves and those around them. They should be on a bus.
I am betting the cop was actually baiting the guy after the first honk, basically trying to see if he would honk again.
Oof. Apparently you’re not a believer that people can evolve, OSR.
LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.
I did an EMT event in Queens recently, and Bo Dietl was there collecting signatures. One of the other EMTs was like “Did you sign Bo’s petition? I’m his cousin.” I responded “I have no idea who Bo Dietl is, or what he stands for.”
His cousin said “You don’t know Bo? You must be a piece of shit pussy liberal.”
So, good…
Shortly thereafter, he tweeted that Sarsour was “a proponent of Sharia Law” (she’s not)
Generally these shooters off themselves when they are threatened with being apprehended. There were no cops anywhere near the scene. You could at least credit this guy with providing the pressure that forced him to commit suicide. He also shot him, causing him to drop his gun and flee.
You did. This article was written to assure liberals that even though a good guy with a gun came into play with this situation, they dont need to think about it in a positive light.
We have a front-runner. I wouldn’t end the competition just yet.
They exist outside of airports?