
No. No it isn’t. They’ve just sprinkled shit on their shitty crust and expect you to be impressed. The cheese is still utter garbage and the toppings suck.

Papa Murphy’s may sound less Italian, but it’s 100x better. Round Table is awesome.

He hit .212 in the regular season with an OPS 109 points below last year’s in 153 fewer plate appearances, and he wants to get paid?

Eh, I still only go to 2 or 3 a month even with the moviepass. I’ve seen people saying “I see so many more movies now that they’re free!”, but, really? What’s your time worth? Dogshit is still dogshit. Watching a Miles Teller movie costs you in other ways.

Yeah, trotting out a conspiracy theory that you’re being “silenced” every time you get in trouble is kind of ridiculous. She also wasn’t being “silenced” by Twitter, she doxxed someone by tweeting a personal phone number.

This, in a nutshell, is why I am a crackpot libertarian. I assume that 95% of police officers and prosecutors are competent and decent people that just want to make society safer. But, that leaves 5% that can cause a great deal of mischief and misery. It’s just not worth it. I’d rather take my chances with the trace

It’s clickbait.

“Are they trying to silence me?”

The timing seems sketchy as hell but it doesn’t make sense that Harvey still has that kind of juice. Even though he’s not as powerful as he used to be, he’s still powerful, but powerful enough to pull the strings in a criminal investigation? I feel like I’m missing something here.

Because the scenario required to nail McGowan is too complex. It’s high risk/low reward.

The gloves are usually packed up with the evidence and disposed of off-site so as to avoid further contamination.

Again, those gloves are packaged with any sort of drug or illegal substance and disposed of off-site so as to avoid

So are you suggesting that Weinstein is so powerful he can influence airport cops? I’ll agree that the timing of the warrant is weird, but purely coincidental. If Weinstein tried to pressure them, I imagine they’d just tell him to fuck off.

The obvious? You mean the obvious that a person that has admitted to abusing drugs in the past would have drug residue on her personal items and that airports are definitely going to test for shoot like that if you leave your stuff behind? Or maybe Weinstein put out the message to the metro transit authority to make

I really can’t tell if you’re being disingenuous or not.

Isn’t this coming out now because McGowan mentioned it on Twitter? It’s odd to say the timing is “suspicious” when the timing was due to her publicizing it at this time. The police statements are because Radar looked up the warrant and asked the cops for a statement.

The warrant was obtained in February right after the incident.

You’re assuming 12 year olds think much about people they don’t know. IIRC that’s right around the time empathy starts developing. (which I understand is one of the reasons why child soldiers is a thing)

He sings the Macarena when he dishes out assists, but no one has ever heard it.

I doubt the 12-year old ever considered being hit by a car after they jumped, much less injuring or killing someone.

A related and equally depressing point is that the kind of people who take this stuff quasi-seriously don’t even *care* that much about it. They’re not going to check back in a month or two and be like “why are the Seahawks still in the NFL?” while anxiously awaiting Sean Hannity to report on the latest developments