he can’t appeal without paying a bond which should be 100% of the damages
he can’t appeal without paying a bond which should be 100% of the damages
He has to put it in escrow before he can appeal, so either he puts up, or shuts up.
Don’t get one of the clear (colored) water bottles if you think you might end up with a Diet Coke situation. A gorgeous transparent blue one will look absolutely gross with Diet Coke in it, esp at the gym, and could potentially result in scornful looks.
This whole thing is fascinating. Americans really will overconsume anything, just for the sake of buying shit. The experts are right - inflation (at least in the US) is your fault. Despite prices going up, you can’t help but keep buying shit you don’t need.
So many questions:
How to not forget things for a big meal:
That color coding is absolute trash for us color blind people.
I am a 6'0" man, so height has never been an issue for me.
I have a pretty hard rule of never ordering pasta at a restaurant
I now have zero tolerance for this bullshit. I’m sick and tired of journalists being glorified recorders for politicians, CEOs and celebrities, who can just vomit the dumbess shit we’ve ever heard without any pushback at all.
No Republican has ever had an extra-marital affair. Ever. This is well known.
I think it is strange that “before he was married” is somehow a small but valid qualifier for bad behavior in the mind of the dudes who wish it was the 1950s.
I’d like to know how the answer to How would Jack Nicholson look like on drugs got elected in the first place.
Are any of these TV anchors and reporters going to hold Mullin’s feet to the fire for shutting up about Gaetz’s misogyny until it was politically convenient? It is not journalism to simply repeat what a politician says. That’s propaganda, not news. Women are not pawns in the GOP race to the bottom for the worst…
I can’t take any more of this today. If anyone needs me I’ll be over at Kotaku decontaminating my brain.
Gaetz’s disgusting behavior wasn’t an issue with Republican fascists until he blew up House leadership. Now they take the knives out when he won’t toe the party line. Despicable.
“This was obviously before [Gaetz] got married.” Obvious to who?
Dunno how to feel about these two. Do I want my Shit Sandwich to be Diarrhea Smooth or Chunky with Gravel and Shards of Glass?