
Just two big losers hanging out. 

Deplorable is the perfect word to describe these miserable people. I’ve never seen a more miserable (agrieved, angry, visibily unhappy) crowd in my life. Right after Clinton made her comment, I was in the grocery store and an older woman came in wearing a shirt that said “Proud Deplorable” - and man was she a bitter,

Do the trad men with children like being poor? Because we live in a society where (usually) both parents need to be working in order to pay the bills and maybe slightly get ahead! My daughter and her husband have a 7 month old. She works remotely and her husband works remotely part time and on site part time. They

And roosters are rapey fuckers!

We didn’t use our air fryer and it took up too much counter space. I gave it to a friend. My husband hates trash cans with a lid - he likes to basketball a lot of things into the can, so that’s out. (Thankfully our dog who will steal pizza and bread off the counter has no interest in the trash can.) He also disliked

Loved “tater tot of lying.”  I fry mine the way Cowboy Kent Rollins cooks them. It’s on YouTube. Not slimy at all. I also fry them well done. Dries out any lingering moisture. But I get that you’ve been burnt by okra before and if you don’t want to experiment with okra any further, it’s certainly fine. I just love

It’s funny, I don’t think of okra as slimy at all. Maybe people are cooking it wrong? Even my boiled okra isn’t slimy. (You have to simmer it for a long time with tomatoes.) Mushrooms cooked well y aren’t any of those offensive textures. And the only soggy tres leches I’ve had are ones where the cake hasn’t been proper

I’m 56 and my husband is 65. We BOTH look younger than this hasbeen douchbag.  Whatever he’s doing he just needs to stop. 

That’s most likely the truth, but I enjoyed the visual of her wildly inept husband playing “makeover.

Her outfits are just...strange. I mean, she’s a conventionally attractive woman. A news anchor type. Surely she understands how to put together outfits that are appropriate-for-occasion and modern? Makes me think that Husband Meatball is flitting around her like an addled Fairy Godmother pushing her - “Just put the

One parent? The answer from those in power should be, “Why yes, Ms Salinas, we are taking your concerns very seriously. We have a process to address these issues where a diverse group of parents, teachers and administrators discuss and decide. I will pass your list to that committee. They meet once every three months

Publix has Panera refrigerated soups as BOGO every now and then. That’s the only time I buy them. I think they’re around 6 each normally?

Up next...Waffle House!

I’m not a breakfast person, but I need to eat breakfast (my iron is low at the moment). My go-to is kitchari. It’s like a savory porridge, easy on the stomach and full of nutrition. I make a big batch and keep some in the freezer. We also eat a lot of beans - canned and fresh. Tonight we’re having black bean nachos,

You missed topping a baked potato with chili and cheese!

Yeah, I’m calling math shenanigans on that too. We eat out once a week or so, sometimes pick up lunch to go, and that adds up to significantly more than what I’m making for dinner tonight - lentil soup, salad, and flatbread, plus we can eat on that for several days! Well, except that we’re having guests for dinner so

I can get the Momofuku noodle packs at Publix - the noodles are worth the price, just don’t overcook them. I don’t buy their chili crisp though because it’s too expensive. I just hit the Asian market down the road for Lao gan ma.

Please just don’t. If I say, “I don’t need anything.” I DON’T NEED ANYTHING! I think cards are overpriced and a waste of money. My daughter lives close by so we’ll just spend time together. I’ll probably make some lunch or dinner for all of us. She’ll probably bring over a bottle of wine and some flowers. This is her

They used to have a fried cherry pie! Does anyone remember those? I used to adore them. I also miss Taco Bell’s caramel apple empanada. 

WTF? Where did you get that I’m obese and have poor impulse control? I’m not obese (not that that’s any of your business) and I’m not the only person who tends to pick at bread if it’s left on the table.