
Computers are good at playing chess, too. Your point?

Of course the CPUC greenlit. The same organization that spent years in bed with PG&E and turning a blind eye to its misconduct.

These humble YouTube farmers are running a company that has an HR department and a management structure (and, apparently, PR flacks). Let’s drop the excuse that they’re just a bunch of dudes in somebody’s mom’s basement who are innocent of the ways of business.

You are in fact doing just that. Maddison is specifically stating “the details of what happened” - that she was sexually harassed, called a bitch, told to ‘put on her big girl pants’ when she raised this stuff with management - and you dismiss all of that by saying it’s just a big mystery and we can’t possibly judge

Let’s please not do the “but only white people live there!???!?!” excuse.

Friend, pick a hill to die on. You’re cycling through a lot of excuses for these dudes.

It’s amazing to watch apologists like this flop back and forth. On the one hand, it’s no big deal and probably her fault anyway. On the other hand, they said they were sorry and pinkie-swore they’d make sure it didn’t happen again so why are you making a big deal about it?

So.... being immature and unprofessional is itself an excuse for being immature and unprofessional?

Do you think there might be some connection between ‘bragging about not having Black talent’ and Black candidates not bothering to apply?

What if that “someone” declares their platform is a bastion of free speech, and welcomes back those who were previously sent away for demeaning or insulting others?

Well, that does seem to be what the FTX bankruptcy estate is trying to do.

The rational adult by comparison.

It’s more like the schoolyard or bar fight where one blowhard is SO ready to beat the other guy’s ass, and when the other guy calmly says “sure, let’s step outside”, the blowhard suddenly has a list of reasons he would TOTALLY do it but now isn’t gonna.

All true, but I doubt he’s even consciously aware that he’s backpedaling. In his mind, he would totally win this fight were it not for (list of reasons).

Or they have specific reasons to have a higher concern about getting COVID, like being immunocompromised or living with somebody who does.

Yes, and the reason they were sanctioned was that they had no good cause for refusing to comply with the subpoena. What is your point?

True! Although if you know anything about the firm his current pet lawyer works for, I would up that number to two.

According to the courts, Twitter was late in producing all the information investigators wanted on Trump’s pre-Jan. 6 activities because it objected to not being able to tell Trump about the investigation.”

Twitter did not refuse to comply with the search warrant. They were fine with the search warrant. They were objecting to the part where they weren’t allowed to tell Trump about it.

He’s not a hypocrite. He’s just a liar.