
Uh, we can definitely call out Uber and Lyft without glossing over how much worse other industries treat their workers (farming and meatpacking are the obvious examples).

The real issue is that Amazon doesn’t care about fake books, regardless of whether an AI or a human made them. 

I’m in litigation, not a movie, but thanks.

Unfortunately sometimes NO RISK means NO RISK OF BEING FOUND OUT. Not everyone takes their professional oaths seriously.

That part is great, but we still have a bunch of journalists all pointing to each other as the source of their information. This is especially disastrous in science journalism, where you get a daisy chain of “a recent study says....” articles and it turns out that, if you read the actual study, the news reports aren’t

Please, Gizmodo writers, I understand your workplace is very sad right now, but if you’re going to write about a lawsuit link to the freaking lawsuit instead of just repeating what some other news outlet said.

No, it is not unclear at all. It is human subject research and consent should be obtained.

I get that Landis is really, really into the planet Venus and SFF is cool but yes, this is massively impractical. 

Sure, but Phony Stark is willing to pay his pet lawyer to threaten baseless lawsuits, in the hopes that maybe the target doesn’t know what anti-SLAPP laws are.

I wish Giz or a similar outlet would bother reporting on the state of that lawsuit. Commercial real estate evictions are not notably slow-paced.

I guess I should have sarcasmed louder for you?

Yes, we know, the “I am the reasonable man in the center and I enrage all you fools on either side” is part of the bit.

Please, for the love of god, have the balls to admit you’re defending this guy instead of this weaksauce JAQing off with ‘but isn’t it possible’ and ‘but black people do it tooooooooo.’

They understand it. They just want their belief in one-way free speech to sound like a bigger principle, so they grab for the First Amendment label.

You think we never had mass hysteria, groupthink, or mobs before the Internet?

He’s interested in growing his bank account. Period.

It hurts him in the ego, which is the only thing that matters to him.

Cussing out a cop was okay on January 6 in Washington, DC. Any other time and place, it’s wrong and awful. Back the Blue!

Huh, I’m a kid of the 70s and 80s. You must have forgotten the cultural shift to “It’s 10:00, do you know where your children are?” and the scare stories about “latchkey kids”.

No, it wouldn’t be overwhelmed. The reason that these don’t make it to criminal cases is that law enforcement does not care. Unless it’s a death threat against a LEO or their families, or someone important like a judge, they’ll come back once the brains are splattered on the walls and not a second before.