Or he’s just making shit up.
Or he’s just making shit up.
Sure, but for Musk, attention is the whole point. He barely cares whether it’s negative attention.
the Judeo-Christian creation myth
Orrrr, people who already have a high pain tolerance are more able to become highly active in the first place.
Or, having a higher pain tolerance can make it more likely that you will be physically active! It’s not reassuring that the authors jumped right from correlation to causation.
Also, nobody’s gonna door you on a Peloton bike (or Peloton tread, or Peloton rower).
Once you accept the premise “not everybody likes/dislikes the same things as me”, the answers to your rhetorical questions become obvious.
Rob Marshall absolutely knows how to do a dance number. He did a bang-up job with Chicago - where the leads either came from a dance/singing background (Catherine Zeta-Jones) or spent a ton of pre-filming time in ‘school’ learning to do so. It wouldn’t surprise me if Disney nixed the training and thought very little…
Just so you know, your dad took that from an old Driver’s Ed textbook, back in the beforetimes when we had Driver’s Ed at school.
For Isaacson, it was because “he is the most interesting person around today,” he said in a New York Magazine interview.
It’s not really higher taxes they’re concerned about, as weaker labor laws and oversight. Disney is certainly an important part of California’s economy, particularly SoCal, but it doesn’t have the free pass here that it did in Florida.
They can also choose to hold the CEO of the company accountable for harming their investment.
These two senators aren’t really attempting to do anything. They’re just generating sound bites so they can tell their supporters they pushed back against the Leftist Woke Agenda. Their interest in changing what NASA does ended after the cameras were turned off.
The flip side of this, is that it’s a lot harder for the chuds who got by with schmoozing and “face time” instead of productivity. I’ve worked with plenty of these dudes, who made sure they were physically in the office and looking busy whenever the boss wandered by, to create a fake impression that they were “hard…
He doesn’t even make cars! He just financed a company that does, and now goes out of his way to fuck up that company every chance he gets.
He’s the type of CEO who thinks that “coming up with dumb ideas while in the shower” counts as work.
This will be a gift to the next person who sues them for discrimination or sexual harassment (and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that those things happen a lot in finance companies). Please hand over all your data about the location and ‘metrics’ of Mr. Handsy Vice President, because we know you have it.
This is exactly right. There have been plenty of reports of his firing people out of hand at Tesla because they didn’t give the “right” answer to some dumbass question he threw at them. He tried to institute a “sleep at your desk” culture at Twitter. He’s complained before about how he hates being alone. He’s exactly…
Thing is, when the only metric is butts-in-seats, it’s a lot easier for people like the previous commenter to cover up how much work they’re not doing vs. goofing off with their work pals.