Difficulty levels can also be an accessibility option. There isn’t One True Purpose for easier difficulty levels.
Difficulty levels can also be an accessibility option. There isn’t One True Purpose for easier difficulty levels.
.....do you understand that people with disabilities may very well prefer ‘easy mode’ because of those disabilities?
I see you’re already getting screamed at by people who are enraged at the idea that “git gud” is not one of the Ten Commandments.
He was okay in Much Ado as the young sullen twerp. Problem was that he was surrounded by much better actors who cut their teeth doing Shakespeare.
One exception to sticking to the list - if the store has a great loss leader or special deal on nonperishables, it’s smart to pick it up now.
Sunday morning early, like 7 a.m., is perfect. The stockers are mostly done, the churchgoers are getting ready for services, and everybody else is sleeping in or hung over.
Wait, I thought the youths were “too woke” and all cancel-culture-y snowflakes, now they’re the ones in upper management?
In a well-run company with competent HR, HR’s mission to protect the company means it will act on complaints and get rid of employees who are racist and otherwise problems, because those employees put the company at serious legal risk (not to mention causing turnover and loss of morale).
That’s amazing - KC is the one urban area in the US that had NO recent incidents of women of any race being attacked, assaulted, or kidnapped? What is their secret to ending violence against women?!
Because they know the families of the victims will sue the shit out of them. They’re circling the wagons.
“Incredibly personal” meaning private is exactly the mentality that lets abuse continue to happen. It’s personal, don’t air your dirty laundry, you’re just doing it for attention, blah blah.
Again, please step away from the idea that staying with an abuser is a sign that a woman is “weak willed”. Part of the cycle of abuse is psychological abuse, too. And there’s no way to say that physical abuse “isn’t likely”, especially when the abuser has a lot to lose (like, I dunno, a whole lot of money?) if the…
“I don’t get it” - correct, you don’t.
California divorce law is more complicated than “your abusive husband gets half your money”.
As a woman yourself, you should know better than to assume that being financially successful means a woman can’t really be abused.
I’ll bite: why would it be “more fun” to have what is essentially a Zoom meeting, except with something heavy on your head? Like, I get that games can be more fun in VR. Me gusta el Beat Saber. But a meeting?
It’s trivial to monetize video calls (just ask Zoom). Problem is that the egos at Meta, etc. can’t call themselves pioneers doing it.
Would you really though? Instead of looking at a screen, you have to put a thing over your head, and you can’t multitask, look at notes, or turn off a buzzing phone because (unlike with Zoom) your entire visual field is locked into the meeting? Nah.
No, Audra made a hash out of explaining what’s actually going on.
The money he said he would have refused if he really thought she was cheating?