
Change has to happen from within” - no, it really doesn’t. If change was going to happen from within, it would have happened already. Change is going to happen from without when lawsuits and investigations force it to.

I’m sure this will morph into a defense that it was just part of the rough-and-tumble nature of the job where it was routine for deputies to joke with each other by throwing slurs that were not really meant as slurs, and the poor nonracist deputy didn’t mean to offend his family who obviously were not in on the jolly

They’re about half a post away from screeching about how we “coddle” kids with allergies and how we didn’t have any of these pussified anaphylactic reactions back in the good old days.

Yeah, we heard you. You decided that rather than condemn this fool for being a racist shit, you’d jump in with both feet on being an edgelord. 

Which doesn’t get the dust and yuk out of the fan blades.

While true, Microsoft likely has its own execs wanting to move in and not generate future liability nightmares.

It is absolutely NOT hard to prevent project-oriented task groups from working that way. What it takes is good management, and management is a separate, learned skillset.

Normally a subpoena can’t make you appear on the other side of the state or country. Generally there are rules about where and when you can be made to show up - often it’s within a certain distance from your home. And yes, it’s shitty that in many places you don’t get paid for the inconvenience.

Depends on where you live. Usually it’s a pittance.

No, it’s destroying evidence as soon as you reasonably are supposed to know that you shouldn’t shred the documents.

Mr. Harvey, the thing you should have learned about comedy by now is that you don’t have the right to demand that people laugh at your jokes.

I have this come up all the time and the Apple product nonetheless works. My guess is that it’s some issue with the electrical current since it doesn’t happen with all non-Apple cables.

I think ArtistAtLarge’s point was that even if these toads got sent to the most humane, enlightened penal institution that exists, they’re going to die there. They’ll live out the rest of their lives in a cage.

There’s an old defense attorney saying that to get your client off a murder rap, you need to convince the jury that the victim needed killing, and your client was the man for the job.

Well, and the article isn’t even about books as conversation starters or the superiority of physical vs. e-books - it’s about ways to keep your apartment from appearing “cheap and tacky”, and classes not having prominently-displayed bookshelves right up there with dirty carpet or taped-up posters.

The “seem” is really the giveaway in the article. As this (and the trophy quote) highlight - it’s not about whether the person reads or values books, it’s about whether they are willing to openly signal that they are One Of Us, part of the great intelligenstia who values books as a thing to spend money on and display.

Whether or not they are the ones in trouble, the kid was still out several thou and had no car.

With an attitude like that, you’re never going to get to pat yourself on the back and smirk about how much cleverer you are than all those fools who bought into a feel-good story!

In the olden days, we used to keep heavy bags of kitty litter in the trunk to pour under the wheels for traction. I don’t know if the scoopable kind works for that.

Did they know what he was saying on a private communications channel?