I choked on a fish bone at age 4-5, I haven't tried fish/seafood since. I start gagging almost even when I think about trying some. Also, I am in the 10% for whom cilantro tastes like soap. Life is a crazy tapestry.
I choked on a fish bone at age 4-5, I haven't tried fish/seafood since. I start gagging almost even when I think about trying some. Also, I am in the 10% for whom cilantro tastes like soap. Life is a crazy tapestry.
Jeff (email of the week),
Holy shit! They burned his uniform and destroyed his medals! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Williams_(criminal)
I had to google St. Louis pizza. Sweet baby Jeebus, nightmare time!
I don’t eat a lot of meat, but this is another reason why I only buy it from the butcher counter at the fancy-ass grocery store.
Wtf? So, chef would rather make you order what you don’t want OR what they deign to make that win’t kill you from allergies? What. An. Asshole.
Dear lord, Sid, never change!
Great circle routes!
Salad greens are okay, but they are really just a vehicle to get the cheese, ranch, and other good things into my mouth.
🤣 look man, I was swarmed with pandas. Watchoo gonna do?
I bought a hugely expensive Cutco block from my 19-yo stepson. Like $459 block. I cut the fuck out of my thumb --tendon, nerve, artery. ER, surgery, specialized surgery. My thumb is still not right. It never will be. I love my stepson so much. But FUCK CUTCO ALL DAY EVERYDAY.
Idk. My new movie theater of choice is in the Mall of America, and they had a full-on police officer (not a community service officer, not a security guard — a city police officer) on duty in the lobby. He wasn’t searching anyone that I noticed (saw Avengers Endgame with two eight-year-olds, we were out to the…
A friend of mine used to bring her to go coffee mug. Filled with wine. Why the fuck did I not think of doing that!?
🤣 I hadn’t seen all the Marvel movies either. Went with my sister and nieces and mom to Endgame. I did enjoy it. Have since seen a few more now ppv, highly recommend the Ant-Man and Thor movies. Natalie Portman (ugh) excepted.
Drew, you gotta finish that South Park dialogue!
I usually go after work, either a weekday, maybe Friday, because I’m already out and about and I’ll be damned if I’m waking up to make a special trip on a Sunday morning.
But no, she asked, she asked for “no salt” and there were big grains of salt . . .