
Go ahead and laugh but that guy now has a 6 picture deal with Blumhouse.

If it were all I did, I’d probably be miserable, but as an accessory to real work that helps inform and entertain people, it’s NBD.

Man, no shit: when I did the launch drive for this car back in 2014, they had all this British stuff everywhere. Union Jack flags, The Who and the Stones playing all over the place. But all the engineers there were German guys! “You like the new Mini, ja? Das ist ein kleiner Rennwagen, ja?”

Cute. Do like

An opinion is an opinion, and you’re far from alone in not liking this movie, but did we really need to know who Snoke was?

Huh, these things you hated were some of my favorite aspects. It’s almost as if our opinions are subjective...

Why does Snoke’s backstory matter? We don’t know Obi-Wan’s backstory, and it makes not a whit of difference. Ditto for Yoda. Every i and t does not need to be dotted and crossed.

It’s both. They are not mutually exclusive.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

Btw, notice how were talking about this stupid tweet instead of Flynn’s lawyers saying they can no longer discuss the Mueller investigation with White House attorneys?

Of course not. It’s a car.

Why doesn’t this thread have more stars. Jerks and their star-withholding.

Hopefully he doesn’t come back as a Wraith.

A real Phantom

A Ghost, if you will.

The deceased on the gurney was in fact named Royce. He was a rolls Royce.

And do good things without being threatened and tend to give more to charity on a per person basis.

Say what you will, but they generally pay their taxes without bitching.

I’m leary of people who only do good things because they’re told a magical being will reward them after they’re dead for being good.

Three separate White House officials made up terrorist acts on three different occasions to push their offensive travel ban. Sure. Everything is fine.